María José Hernández Leal

PhD Programme: Economics and Business
Research groups: GRAEES – Research Group on Statistics, Economic Evaluation and Health & ECO-SOS – Research Centre on Economics and Sustainability
Supervisors: Misericòrdia Carles Lavila & María José Pérez Lacasta
María José Hernández completed her Bachelor degree and her Master degree in Nursing at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. In the field of nursing, María José has developed completely in all areas of the profession. In addition, she is very interested in research, since she believes that only through research it is possible to change the relationship between health and illness that people experience. For this reason she has participated as a coordinator and assistant in several research projects in the field of health. Her area of expertise is Participation in Health.
Project: Shared Decision-making in breast cancer screening programmes
As the awareness of patients as users of the national health system increases, they demand more well-being, which is not only related to solving their problem, but also a good accompaniment by health professionals. That is, feeling heard, receiving understandable information, being treated with empathy, and getting involved in decisions that affect your health seem to be important elements to consider. This has been understood by the different health systems, which have declared patients as the center of the model, although it is sometimes a challenge to put it into routine practice. Shared Decision-making (SDM) could be an alternative for more participatory and patient-centered care, as well as "The Three-talk" model would simplify its application in specific health or disease situations. In this context, women in breast cancer screening have a low involvement in the decision to participate, since they do not have a space in which to express their fears, doubts, or preferences to a health professional, and do not have sufficient information on the benefits and adverse effects of participating in screening. Even worse, they do not see these deficiencies as a necessity, since the benefit of early detection is very much internalized as the only possible result and they do not know or minimize the adverse effects they may suffer due to screening: false positives, false negatives or overdiagnosis. This thesis aims to contribute to the development of a more participatory health in the context of breast cancer screening in a context of the National Health System, using the SDM model. Three studies were carried out: 1) to know the barriers and facilitators for the application of the SDM from the perspective of health professionals, 2) create two documents, manual and guide, to give practical support to health professionals to involve women in the screening decision, 3) to know the preferences of women by comparing the attributes of the conventional health model and one with the incorporation of an SDM.
Open Access publications
- María José Hernández-Leal, María José Pérez-Lacasta, María Feijoo-Cid, Vanesa Ramos-García, Misericòrdia Carles-Lavila, Healthcare professionals' behaviour regarding the implementation of shared decision-making in screening programmes: A systematic review, Patient Education and Counseling,
Volume 104, Issue 8, 2021, Pages 1933-1944. View full-text - Paulina Bravo, Angelina Dois, Loreto Fernández-González, María José Hernández-Leal, Luis Villarroel, Validación del instrumento Informed Choice para medir la decisión informada de mamografía en mujeres chilenas usuarias de atención primaria, Atención Primaria, Volume 53, Issue 3, 2021, 101943. View full-text
- Bravo, Paulina, Dois, Angelina, Hernández, María José, & Villarroel, Luis. (2018). Decisional conflict among people with diabetes mellitus or hypertension attending primary care. Revista médica de Chile, 146(11), 1286-1293. View full-text
- María José Hernández-Leal, Lilisbeth Perestelo-Pérez, Paulina Bravo. Perception of health care professionals for shared decision-making in primary care. Barriers and facilitators. Rev Chil Med Fam 2021; Vol XV, 1. View full-text
- Hernández-Leal MJ, Codern-Bové N, Pérez-Lacasta MJ on behalf of the ProShare Group, et al. Development of support material for health professionals who are implementing Shared Decision-making in breast cancer screening: validation using the Delphi technique. BMJ Open 2022;12:e052566. View full-text
- Laza-Vásquez, C.; Hernández-Leal, M.J.; Carles-Lavila, M.; Pérez-Lacasta, M.J.; Cruz-Esteve, I.; Rué, M.; on behalf of the DECIDO Group. Barriers and Facilitators to the Implementation of a Personalized Breast Cancer Screening Program: Views of Spanish Health Professionals. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 1406. View full-text
- Laza-Vásquez C, Codern-Bové N, Cardona-Cardona À, Hernández-Leal MJ, Pérez-Lacasta MJ, Carles-Lavila M, et al. (2022) Views of health professionals on risk-based breast cancer screening and its implementation in the Spanish National Health System: A qualitative discussion group study. PLoS ONE 17(2): e0263788. View full-text
- Anna Pons-Rodriguez, Mercè Marzo-Castillejo, Inés Cruz-Esteve, Gisela Galindo-Ortego, Maria José Hernández-Leal, Montserrat Rué. Avances hacia el cribado personalizado del cáncer de mama: el papel de la Atención Primaria,Atención Primaria, Volume 54, Issue 5, 2022, 102288. View full-text
- Hernández-Leal MJ, Pérez-Lacasta MJ, Cardona-Cardona A on behalf of the Pro-Share Group, et al. Women's preference to apply shared decision-making in breast cancer screening: a discrete choice experiment. BMJ Open 2022;12:e064488. View full-text
- PHD THESIS: Shared Decision-making in breast cancer screening programmes: Contributions to its implementations
International secondment
- Mayo Clinic, USA. 4 months (2021).
- Diari Digital de la URV. Interview: "Mayo Clinic is the most prestigious and internationally recognized clinic, and it is a real privilege to be here"
- Diari Digital de la URV. News: Un estudio analiza la toma de decisiones compartida en los programas de cribado