Mohamed Hany Abokersh

PhD Programme: Nanoscience, Materials and Chemical Engineering
Research group: SUSCAPE – SUStainable Computer Aided Process Engineering
Supervisors: Dieter-Thomas Boer & Joan Manel Vallès Rasquera
Mohamed Abokersh is an energy engineer with experience in modeling and optimization of Renewable Energy systems. He obtained his MEng degree in Mechanical Engineering from the American University in Cairo (Egypt) in 2016. During his period in the University, he joined several research projects at the energy field with a direct connection to the industry and a close collaboration with different European foundations. In 2017 he joined the Fraunhofer ISE (Germany) as a research assistant in the Solar Thermal Façades group. During this last period, he has published several papers on the developing sustainable energy systems. Mohamed has received several awards and recognition for his work, including the AUC Award for Scholarly Excellence, Medhat Haroun Memorial Award for the Top Master Student in the School of Sciences and Engineering at AUC, and Top National Master Student Award in Engineering.
Project: Decision making tools for sustainable transition toward low carbon energy technologies in the residential sector
Aligning with the ambitious EU 2030 climate and energy package for cutting the greenhouse emissions and replacing conventional heat sources through the presence of renewable energy share to achieve net-zero-energy community, the stakeholders at residential sector are facing several technical, economic, and environmental issues to meet the EU targets in the near future. This thesis is focusing on two key structural transformations needed for sustainable transition towards clean energy production: the low carbon energy technologies problem represented by the solar district heating systems coupled with seasonal energy storage, and its application to achieve Nearly Zero Energy Buildings. The Tackling for these challenges is instigated through using design and optimization of clean energy systems incorporated with machine learning and data analysis to develop Computer-Aided Process Engineering tools. These tools would help in addressing the stakeholder's challenges, thus contributing to the transition towards a more sustainable future.
Open Access publications
- Victor Tulus, Mohamed Hany Abokersh, Luisa F. Cabeza, Manel Vallès, Laureano Jiménez, and Dieter Boer. Economic and environmental potential for solar assisted central heating plants in the EU residential sector: Contribution to the 2030 climate and energy EU agenda. Applied Energy, 2019, 236. View full-text
- Mohamed Hany Abokersh, Manel Vallès, Luisa F. Cabeza, and Dieter Boer. A framework for the optimal integration of solar assisted district heating in different urban sized communities: A robust machine learning approach incorporating global sensitivity analysis. Applied Energy, 2020, 267. View full-text
- Mohamed Hany Abokersh, Masoud Norouzi, Dieter Boer, Luisa F. Cabeza, Gemma Casa, Cristina Prieto, Laureano Jiménez, Manel Vallès, A framework for sustainable evaluation of thermal energy storage in circular economy, Renewable Energy, Volume 175, 2021, Pages 686-701, View full-text.
- Abokersh, Mohamed Hany; Vallès Rasquera, J. Manel; Saikia, Kangkana; Cabeza, Luisa F.; Boer, Dieter. (2021) . Techno-economic analysis of control strategies for heat pumps integrated into solar district heating systems. Journal of Energy Storage, 2021, vol. 42, p. 103011-1-103011-12. View full-text
- Mohamed Hany Abokersh, Sachin Gangwar, Marleen Spiekman, Manel Vallès, Laureano Jiménez, Dieter Boer,
Sustainability insights on emerging solar district heating technologies to boost the nearly zero energy building concept, Renewable Energy, Volume 180, 2021, Pages 893-913, View full-text - PHD THESIS: Decision Making Tools for Sustainable Transition Toward Low Carbon Energy Technologies in the Residential Sector
International secondment
- The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), The Netherlands. 3 months (2019).
Awards & Prizes
- 3rd prize of the "Best Poster Awards" in the 16th Doctoral Day of the Doctoral Programme in Nanoscience, Materials and Chemical Engineering.
- Diari Digital de la URV. News: New diagnostic tool to assess and guarantee nearly zero-energy buildings performance
- Diari Digital de la URV. News: Solar assisted heating networks reduce environmental impact and energy consumption
- Horizon Results Platform: How to improve the 4th Generation district heating position in the market?
- Horizon Results Platform: Is the Solar District Heating System always a Sustainable Win-Win Solution?
- Horizon Results Platform: Economic and environmental potential for solar assisted central heating plants in the EU residential sector