Mohammad Norouzi

PhD Programme: Nanoscience, Materials and Chemical Engineering
Research group: ECOMMFIT - Experimentació, Computació i Modelització en Mecànica de Fluids i Turbulència
Supervisors: Jordi Pallarès Curto & Anton Vernet Peña
Mohammad Norouzi obtained his Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering from Isfahan University of Technology. After finishing his bachelor, he continued his studies with Master programme in Tribology at Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal. His master's thesis titled “Tribological and mechanical characterization of copper-alloy/diamond composites for the use in glass molding industry” was part of an EU-funded research project. Apart from academics, he has contributed to several patents and research projects, mostly in the field of microwave technology.
Project: Analysis of flexible fibers in flows
The dynamic behaviour of fibers suspended in the fluid is of great importance in variety of applications including paper, hygiene, textile and insulation industries. Of particular interest is to investigate the orientation and spatial distributions of flexible fibers in the flows. This study focuses on development and validation of a simulation tool to predict the flexible fiber dynamics in flows. Accordingly, numerical and experimental studies will be employed. The experiments will be carried out using a home-made double Couette apparatus, and consequently, PIV will be implemented. Starting from preliminary work, a code for 3D situations will be developed. The code, then, will be employed to examine numerically the effect of instantaneous flow structures on the fiber distribution depending on the length, diameter and density of the fibers in a wide range of Reynolds numbers. To validate the numerical simulations, the results will be compared against the available experimental data.