Othmane Aride

PhD Programme: Economics and Business
Research group: FHOM – Human Factor, Organizations and Markets
Supervisors: Gerard Ryan & Mireia Valverde Aparicio
Othmane Aride obtained his master's degree in marketing from the university of Bordeaux, France. He progressively focused on consumer behavior as a field of investigation. Prior to joining the programme, he studied over a period of three years, the influence of human values on behavior as a PhD student at the Ibn Tofail Uniersity, Morocco. In the meantime, he acquired diverse experience related to his area. As a marketing practitioner, he worked in consultancy, market research, strategic marketing and with Global NGO.
Project: Challenging Conventional Wisdom on Waiting Behaviour
Waiting is a significant part of our day to day life experience. We wait for the bus, we wait in line at the grocery store, we wait for the next e-mail or the next phone call...etc. Because of its pervasiveness, waiting is a largely studied subject in consumer behavior. In fact, for the last 30 years, waiting in services has been studied extensively across a wide range of disciplines. Nonetheless, this research has been conducted with the fundamental premise that waiting is always negative. This project responds to a call for new and innovative research on the concept of Positive Waiting. It forwards a series of challenging propositions. In contrast to established thinking it proposes that making consumers wait is not necessarily negative and can have positive effects such as, attracting more consumers, increasing the perceived value, providing information to facilitate consumer decision-making, improving customers evaluations and encouraging positive anticipation.
Open Access publications
- Aride, Othmane, and Maria-del-Mar Pàmies-Pallisé. 2019. "From Values to Behavior: Proposition of an Integrating Model" Sustainability 11, no. 21: 6170. View full-text
Outreach activities
- European Researchers' Night 2019: “Fent cua: espera i desespera!”.
- European Researchers' Night 2020: “Queuing: wait and despair!”.