Paolo Sassi Arobba

PhD Programme: Nanoscience, Materials and Chemical Engineering
Research group: ECOMMFIT - Experimentació, Computació i Modelització en Mecànica de Fluids i Turbulència
Supervisors: Jordi Pallarès Curto & Youssef Striba
Paolo Sassi graduated in Mechanical Engineering in 2014 at Universidad de la Republica (UdelaR) in Montevideo, Uruguay. In 2012, he joined the computational fluid dynamics group from the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Environmental Engineering at UdelaR. There he participated in several projects related to renewable energies, mostly about interaction between fluids and flexible structures, as well as taking part in the teaching of fluid dynamics curses. After his bachelor degree, he started his Master's studies in Energy Engineering at UdelaR, where his thesis, entitled “Simulation of Vorticity Wind Turbines”, adapted numerical methods to represent the bi-directional interaction between the wind flow and flexible structures, applying it to vorticity wind turbines. For this thesis, Paolo has received the best Thesis award in the energy field in Uruguay in 2017.
Project: Experimental analysis of multiphase flows. Design and setup of an experimental facility
The dynamics of three-phase flows involve phenomena of high complexity, whose understanding and an enhanced prediction capacity of fluid dynamics in multiphase flow systems is crucial for the design and construction of facilities meant for a wide range of industries. This research work presents the design and set up of LESLIE, a low pressure multiphase flow loop for the experimental analysis of two and three-phase flows through pipelines and their accessories. It is designed to measure key parameters, so as to characterise the behaviour of multiphase flows involving gas, liquid and solid phases both in horizontal and vertical pipelines. New experimental data is presented in this study for intermittent two and three-phase flows in horizontal pipelines involving air, water and polypropylene pellets of sizes ranging between 1 and 2 millimetres. Flow visualization, pressure and void fraction measurements were performed and are explored in this work for the case of intermittent flows for a variety of settings. The influence of solid particles over the frictional pressure drop, flow regime and slug frequency is reported in this work. Furthermore, the analysis of the dynamics of annular two-phase flows by means of image processing techniques has allowed obtaining droplet size distributions, which are also presented in this study.
Open Access publications
- Sassi, P., Pallarès, J. & Stiriba, Y. Visualization and measurement of twophase flows in horizontal pipelines. Exp. Comput. Multiph. Flow 2, 41-51 (2020). View full-text
- Sassi, P., Stiriba, Y., Lobera, J. et al. Experimental Analysis of Gas-Liquid-Solid Three-Phase Flows in Horizontal Pipelines. Flow Turbulence Combust 105, 1035-1054 (2020). View full-text
- PHD THESIS: Experimental analysis of multiphase flows. Design and setup of an experimental facility
International secondment
- Helmhotz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf. Dresden, Germany. 6 months (2020).
Outreach activities
- Summer Lab 2020: “Aerodinàmica: la força de l'aire”
- European Researchers’ Night 2020: “Perquè volen els avions?”
- Diari Digital de la URV. News: A paper of Paolo Sassi takes up the main findings of the experiments carried out in an experimental installation