Sharanpreet Kaur

PhD Programme: Health, Psychology and Psychiatry
Research group: NUTRISAM – Nutrition and Mental Health
Supervisors: Josefa Canals Sans & Paula Morales Hidalgo
Sharanpreet Kaur has done her BSc Hons Psychology from University of Greenwich, London (2016) and MSc Health Psychology from Middlesex University, London (2018). After her studies, she worked for European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (ENSP) project at Mario Negri research institute, Milan, where she also worked on research paper "Food advertising during children's television programs in Italy" which has been published in Public Health Nutrition Journal in November 2020. Later, moved to India where worked as cognitive behavioral therapist (CBT). Besides her work experience, she actively worked as an applied behavior therapist (ABA), during her studies, where she gained the necessary skills and experience of working with ASD and ADHD diagnosed children and their family members. Currently, she is pursing PhD at URV, involved in investigating factors for the evolution of Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (NDD) such as ASD and ADHD.
Project: Exposure to air pollutants during pregnancy and their impact on Neurodevelopmental disorders: ADHD and ASD in children
The ASD and the ADHD affect the subject from the first stages of life, persist in their development and affect their quality of life while they produce a significant emotional, social and economic impact on their families.This is a prospective longitudinal study, called EPINED II, a continuation of EPINED research, which evaluates a representative sample of schoolchildren from all the regions of the province of Tarragona of two age groups (4-5 years and 10-11 years) that were detected as risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). EPINED-II project aims to investigate clinical, cognitive, biological, psychosocial and environmental predictors of the evolution of NDD by prospectively monitoring a sample of the school population (representative of the province of Tarragona) without risk of ASD or ADHD and at risk or with a diagnosis of these disorders in two evolutionary stages, which were extensively evaluated in the EPINED project. The results obtained will be useful in the elaboration of clinical protocols and in the development of preventive interventions that favor the well-being of society in general.
Open Access publications
- Kaur, Sharanpreet, Paula Morales-Hidalgo, Victoria Arija, and Josefa Canals. 2023. "Prenatal Exposure to Air Pollutants and Attentional Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Development in Children: A Systematic Review" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20, no. 8: 5443. View full-text
Outreach activities
- European Researchers' Night 2022: "Tots podem contribuir a la ciència".
- European Researchers' Night 2023. European Corner: “EPINED - Neurodevelopmental Disorders Epidemiological Project”