Stylianos Fanourakis

PhD Programme: Nanoscience, Materials and Chemical Engineering
Research group: SUSCAPE – SUStainability using Computer Aided Process Engineering tools
Supervisors: Dieter-Thomas Boer & Alberto Fernández Sabater
Stelios Fanourakis, from Greece, is at the URV’s department of Chemical Engineering, within the SUSCAPE group. He likes research as he finds scientists can contribute to a better society and environment. His areas of research involve mathematical concepts such as engineering processes simulations, life cycle assesment, multivariate analysis, machine learning and optimisation strategies for making processes more efficient, eco friendly and financially sustainable. He holds a BSc in Bioengineering and a MSc in Environmental Health from Greek universities.
Project: Optimization and life cycle assessment of a small scale olive byproduct biorefinery
The need to transition towards a more sustainable industry calls for advanced multi-objective decision-support tools embracing the three sustainability dimensions (i.e., economic, environmental and social). In this PhD project, we will develop process systems engineering concepts and tools to assist in the design and planning of more sustainable chemical processes, with emphasis on reducing water and energy consumption as well as waste and emissions in the production of a wide range of chemicals. Focusing on the combined use of process simulation, multi-objective global optimization and life cycle assessment, we will screen thousands of chemical technologies using state-of-the-art computational tools; this approach will be applied to major conventional chemical processes and emerging alternatives, including carbon capture and utilization, biomass & waste conversion, and polymers revalorization. The PhD project will, therefore, advance a more fundamental understanding of how to embed sustainability principles in the chemical industry, while developing tailored computational tools to assess and optimize a wide range of interconnected chemical routes.
Outreach activities
- European Researchers' Night 2022: "Optimització".
Awards & Prizes
- 3rd prize in the "Sophomore” category, of the 18th Doctoral Day of the Doctoral Programme in Nanoscience, Materials and Chemical Engineering.