Tasneem Binte Morshed

PhD Programme: Economics and Business
Research group: ASO – Anàlisi Social i Organitzativa
Supervisor: Ana Beatriz Hernández-Lara
Tasneem Binte Morshed pursued her MSc degree in Consumer Analytics and Marketing Strategy from the University of Leeds, United Kingdom in 2018. She obtained her Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree in Marketing and International Business from North South University, Bangladesh. It was always her dream to become an academician and a researcher. She has immense research interest in business analytics, big data, digital marketing, machine learning and consumer behavior. She has practical skills on ArcGIS for spatial analysis and visualization, R for statistics computation, SQL for database solutions, Stata for data science, Qualtrics for research methods to analyze consumer data. Prior to joining the programme, she was teaching Marketing Research and Marketing Analytics as Lecturer at North South University in Bangladesh for two years (May 2019-May 2021).
Project: Female Entrepreneurship in Tourism in the Social Media Era
Historically, people tend to narrate their travel stories, and the emergence of social media has provided a new space for them to share their experiences for a wider range of their network (Sigala, 2016). People with different backgrounds reflect what they perceive from tourism destinations on their social media pages, and these contents affect themselves, their audiences, destinations, and tourism services (Lund, Cohen & Scarles, 2018; McWha, Frost, & Laing, 2018). As a prominent group of travellers and users of social media, women have some specific travel motivations, aims, and needs (Mirehie, Gibson, Khoo-Lattimore, & Prayag, 2018), and share specific aspects of their travel experiences on their social media pages. Despite the growing influence of social media on all aspects of our life, tourism destinations, and tourism enterprises, the studies on its different dimensions and effects are insufficient yet. Through Netnography, big data, and in-depth interviews, the present research aims to contribute to the realm of female studies, social media, destination marketing, and service marketing.