Canals Sans, Josefa
Canals Sans, Josefa
Josefa Canals-Sans is professor of child and adolescent psychopathology at Rovira i Virgili University. She has 5 stages of research and her H index (Scopus) is 24. She has participated in more than 120 publications and in the last 10 years, she has directed 13 doctoral theses. She is the co-coordinator of the Nutrition and Mental Health (NUTRISAM) consolidated research group (Generalitat Catalunya). Her research interests are: emotional problems in children and adolescents, neurodevelopmental disorders, epidemiology in mental health, relationship between nutritional aspects and neurodevelopment/mental health.
Project: Clinical, Psychosocial And Biological Predictors of the Course of Neurodevelopment Disorders: A Prospective Study In School Population (reference: 2021MFP-COFUND-18)
- josefa.canals(ELIMINAR)
- Departament de Psicologia