Díaz González, Francesc
Díaz González, Francesc
F. Díaz is Professor of Applied Physics at the Rovira i Virgili University (URV) of Tarragona (Spain). He graduated in Physics at the University of Barcelona (1976) and received a Doctor`s degree from the same university in 1982. His postdoctoral training was carried out at the University of Toronto and he stayed at research centres such as the Max Born Institute of Berlin and the State University of New York. He has published 420 papers (web of Science) (131 of them have received at least 10 new citations in the last 5 years), 4 books, 6 registered patents (5 transferred to private companies) and more than 60 book chapters. His research work was developed in fields such as the synthesis, growth and nanostructuring of crystalline optical materials, spectroscopy of lanthanide ions in crystalline matrices. He was PI of more than 65 projects financed by public institutions and also led more than 40 financed by private companies. His current lines of research focus on three topics: - nanoparticles and nanostructured materials for integrated photonics, physics and laser technology and opto-fluidic devices for biomedicine and environmental sensing. Index H = 44, with a total number of times cited of 8328.