Fabregat Tomàs, Alexandre
Fabregat Tomàs, Alexandre
Dr Alexandre Fabregat obtained his PhD. in Engineering at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) in 2006. Over the 2010-2017 he held two postdoctoral positions at the Mechanical Engineering Department - University of Ottawa (Canada) and later at the Department of Mathematics - City University of New York (USA). He also became a member of the Consortium for Advanced Research on Transport of Hydrocarbon in the Environment (CARTHE). He is currently Beatriz Galindo distinguished researcher at the URV Department of Mechanical Engineering. In the Computational Fluid Dynamics arena, his areas of expertise include numerical simulation of heat and mass transfer processes, turbulent dispersion of pollutants and multiphase fluids. His work has been published in top peer-reviewed journals including Physics of Fluids, Journal of Geophysical Research and Int. Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. He is also interested in Statistical Learning applications for medical and environmental applications.
Project: Rheological study of droplet formation in biofluids (reference: 2020MFP-COFUND-18)
- alexandre.fabregat(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat
- Departament d'Enginyeria Mecànica