Fernández Sabater, Alberto
Fernández Sabater, Alberto
I have a degree in Computer Science from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), and I have a Diploma of Advanced Studies in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence from the National University of Distance Education (UNED), and I am a Doctor of Physics from the University of Barcelona (UB). I have a long teaching career that I have been developing without interruption since 2000, including UNED, the Jaume I University (UJI), and the Rovira i Virgili University (URV). This work has been recognized by granting 2 teaching five-year periods. Since 2009 I have been a professor in the area of Statistics and Operations Research in the Department of Chemical Engineering of the URV. I combine my teaching work with research activity focused mainly on issues of unsupervised classification, and on the development of statistical models in environmental engineering. I currently direct the URV's BioCenit (Bioinformatics & Computational Environmental Engineering) research group, and am Principal Investigator of the Emerging Research Group "Mathematical Models for Environmental and Biomedical Engineering ", recognized by the Agency for Management of University and Research Grants, of the Generalitat de Catalunya. I have published 31 articles, which have received a total of 1116 Scopus citations, and my h-index is 13. Of these articles, 24 have been published in indexed journals, with an average impact factor of 3,273. I have participated in 6 European research projects (in 2 of them as Principal Investigator), and in 4 national research projects. From the point of view of knowledge transfer, I have participated in 3 contracts to develop various projects with both national and international companies. I have also contributed by developing 5 free, open source software applications that are widely used by both end users and other application developers, as evidenced by the 18275 downloads they have had.
Project: Sustainable process systems engineering (reference: 2020MFP-COFUND-22)
- alberto.fernandez(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat
- Departament d'Enginyeria Química