Jiménez Esteller, Laureano
Jiménez Esteller, Laureano
Dr. Laureano Jiménez is professor in Chemical Engineering. His research activity focus on mathematical programming, simulation and optimization. The case studies cover different spatial (nano to macro) and temporal (microseconds to years) scales: macroeconomic models input-output supply chains (uncertainty optimization), processes (decomposition techniques), unit operations (development of algorithms) and metabolic networks (global optimization). A key aspect is the development of hybrid models combining mathematical programming (GAMS or Matlab) with environmental criteria to solve multiobjective optimization problems. Environmental metrics are based on life cycle analysis. He has published 114 scientific papers: 79% are in the first quartile, 38% in the top 10% and 20% in the top 5% of their respective areas. He coordinated 3 EU projects, participated in 12 and coordinated 3 national projects.
Project: Optimal design and optimization of sustainable chemical process (reference: 2020MFP-COFUND-21)
Project: Techno-economic and environmental assessments of existing and emerging processes and technologies (reference: 2021MFP-COFUND-1)
Project: Sustainable Development Goals and Planetary Boundaries: Insights from mathematical programming and life-cycle assessment (reference: 2021MFP-COFUND-14)
- laureano.jimenez(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat
- Departament d'Enginyeria Química