Leivada, Evelina
Leivada, Evelina
Evelina Leivada is a Ramon y Cajal Research Fellow at Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Her research focuses on language variation and first/second/n language acquisition, approached through both offline and online methods, in typical and atypical phenotypes. She has published her work in several top-tier (psycho)linguistic venues such as Glossa, Journal of Neurolinguistics, Lingua, Linguistic Variation, Language Sciences, Biolinguistics, but also in high visibility journals of neighboring scientific fields, such as PLOS ONE, Neuroscience Letters, and Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Her work has caught attention from various media and has been featured in Psychology Today, Mind Hacks, Psy.Co, and Evolución y Neurociencias. Since 2019, she is an associate editor for psycholinguistics in the Diamond open-access journal Biolinguistics.
Project: Language processing and the bilingual mind (reference: 2020MFP-COFUND-12)
Project: Grammar, grammaticality and acceptability (reference: 2020MFP-COFUND-19)
- evelina.leivada(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat
- Departament of English and German studies