Marcé Nogué, Jordi
Marcé Nogué, Jordi
I am currently a Serra-Húnter tenure-elegible lecturer in the Departament d`Enginyeria Mecànica of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona, Catalonia). My research focuses on computational mechanics and, especially, on computational biomechanics in which I developed an important task in the study of bony structures of current and fossil vertebrates in the field of paleobiology (mammals, amphibian, reptile, etc.) and has developed comparative methodologies in the post-process of Finite Element Analysis (FEA). Up to date I published 32 peer-reviewed articles in indexed SCI journals, 2 book chapters, 4 peer-reviewed papers in not indexed journals and h-index of 12 in Scopus. I also published 51 technical reports and 67 publications derived from the participation in 80 international conferences. I supervised 10 MSc Thesis and 20 Degree projects. I worked in 6 competitive research projects -some of them involving companies- funded by Spanish and Catalan agencies, 1 competitive Project funded by the German Re-search Foundation (DFG), 1 research project from the State University of New York and 15 non-competitive contracts where in most of them I was the facto the unique responsible. I also was involved in 4 Projects about teaching innovation, being Principal Investigator of two projects.
Project: Modelling of computational biomechanics in evolution (reference: 2021MFP-COFUND-7)
- jordi.marce(ELIMINAR)
- Departament d'Enginyeria Mecànica