Sánchez Ruenes, David
Sánchez Ruenes, David
David Sánchez (male, 1980) is a Full Professor of Computer Science at Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona. He received his MSc with honours in Computer Science in 2003 and his PhD in Computer Science from the Technical University of Catalonia in 2008. His fields of research are artificial intelligence, knowledge based systems, data semantics and privacy protection. He has won the ICREA-Acadèmia Prize in 2020, awarded for a 5-year period by the Government of Catalonia to the research leaders among faculty members in Catalan universities. In 2014 he received the the Burgen Scholarship award by the Academia Europaea, given to younger European scholars who are emerging talents in their fields. He has been involved in 35 research projects, including the coordination of the H2020 project "CLARUS". He has authored over 180 publications, including 77 journal publications (6 of which became ISI highly cited papers), and has received 6 best paper awards. His H-index is 43 (June 23, 2021). He ranks among the world`s top 1% cited computer sciencists (Essential Science Indicators). He has advised 5 PhD theses. He has served in the program committee of 55 conferences on artificial intelligence and privacy.
Project: Synergies between machine learning and privacy (reference: 2021MFP-COFUND-17)
- david.sanchez(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat
- Departament d'Enginyeria Informàtica i Matemàtiques