(2024PIPF-MSCA). Public call for a Trainee Predoctoral Research Staff position (PIPF). Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Network call 2023
- Resolution of the competition
- Application ammendments
- Provisional list of accepted and excluded applicants
- Publication date: 24/10/2024
- Deadline for the correction period: 07/11/2024
- Provisional list of accepted and excluded applicants
- Definitive list of accepted and excluded applicants
- Publication date: 12/11/2024
- Amendments: Not applicable
- Definitive list of accepted and excluded applicants
- List of selected candidates / list of waiting candidates
- List of selected candidates and waiting list
- Publication date: 11/12/2024
- List of selected candidates and waiting list
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