2024PIPF-FPI. Grants for predoctoral contracts for the training of doctors. State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research 2021-2023. 1rst edition
- Resolution of the competition
Being pre-registered in one of the doctoral programms, listed on Annex I, on the last day of submission of application, 15/10/2024, is an essential requirement to be admitted on the selection process. Not being pre-registered on the aforementioned date will mean the exclusion of the application. You can find the Pre-enrol for a PhD Programme form: here
- Application ammendments
- Provisional list of accepted and excluded applicants
- Publication date: 23/10/20024
- End of period resolution of errors: 07/11/2024
- Definitive list of accepted and excluded applicants
- Publication date: 12/11/2024
- Error correction: not applicable
- Provisional list of accepted and excluded applicants
- List of selected candidates / waiting list
- Publication date:
With the support of: