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Call of the public competition for the contracting of Trainee Predoctoral Research Staff 2024 (PIPF)

Martí-Franquès Program (51 positions offered)

Selected candidates will be able to access the online application (https://appsrecerca.urv.cat/cgi-bin/programes/application/inici.cgi?conv=2024PMF-PIPF-&fase=1&idioma=ENG) to present the acceptance document and the necessary documentation to sign the contract or waive the aid.

"By Resolution of the Rector dated 29/10/2024 the material error in the list of awaiting candidates of the position 2024PMF-PIPF-23 is amended in accordance with article 109.2 of Law 39/20215, of 1 October, on common administrative procedure of Public Administrations by which they may rectify, at any time, ex oficio or at request of the interested parties, any material, factual or arithmetic errors existing in their acts."

Martí-Franquès Program (1 position offered. Department of Communication Studies)

Selected candidates will be able to access the online application (https://appsrecerca.urv.cat/cgi-bin/programes/application/inici.cgi?conv=2024PMF-PIPF-2-&fase=1&idioma=ENG) to present the acceptance document and the necessary documentation to sign the contract or waive the aid. Please note that, according to the terms of the call, in order to formalize the contract it will be necessary to be enrolled in a URV Doctoral program, after pre-registering at the Doctoral School.

With the support of: