XI Course on Management of Innovation
Total duration of the course: 10 hours.
Schedule: de 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (2 hours per session).
Place: Classroom 0.12, Business and Economy Faculty (URV).
- 29th of October (Tuesday). Session 1. Roadmap de l'emprenedoria. Sols o acompanyats? Agents de l'ecosistema - Cristina Sáenz
- 8th of November (Friday). Session 2. Com gestionem innovació en l'àmbit biomèdic i sanitari? - María José Guilera
- 12th of November (Tuesday). Session 3. Innova tecnològicament amb menys risc. Vigilar l'entorn - Joan Sansaloni
- 22nd of November (Friday). Session 4. Com innovar més enllà del manual - J. Carlos Andrés
- 25th of November (Monday). Session 5. Com implantar un programa d'innovació: una perspectiva directiva - Enric Barba
More information in the Program
X Course on Management of Innovation
Total duration of the course: 10 hours.
Schedule: de 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (2 hours per session).
Place: Classroom 0.12, Business and Economy Faculty (URV).
- 14th of November (Tuesday). Session 1. Innova tecnológicamente con menos riesgo. Vigilar el entorno - Joan Sansaloni
- 17th of November (Friday). Session 2. ¿Cómo gestionamos la innovación en el ámbito biomédico y sanitario? ¿Qué impacto tiene? - María José Guilera
- 21st of November (Tuesday). Session 3. Roadmap del emprendimiento. Solos o acompañados? Agentes del ecosistema - Cristina Sáenz
- 24th of November (Friday). Session 4. Innovación tradicional y transformadora (digital insights) - J. Carlos Andrés
- 27th of November (Monday). Session 5. Cómo implantar un programa de innovación: una perspectiva directiva - Enric Barba
More information in the Program
IX Course on Management of Innovation
Total duration of the course: 10 hours.Schedule: de 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (2 hours per session).
Place: Classroom 2.4, Business and Economy Faculty (URV).
- 15th of November (Tuesday). Session 1. “Per què invertir en R+D i la innovació en l'empresa?” - Agustí Segarra
- 18th of November (Friday). Session 2. “Com gestionem i quin impacte té la innovació en l'àmbit biomèdic i sanitari?” - María José Guilera
- 22nd of November (Tuesday). Session 3. “Innova tecnològicament amb menys risc. Vigilar l'entorn” - Joan Sansaloni
- 25th of November (Friday). Session 4. “Tecnologies exponencials transformadores i innovació: Reptes, preguntes i respostes” - J. Carlos Andrés
- 28th of November (Monday). Session 5. “Com implantar un programa d'innovació a tota l'empresa” - Enric Barba
More information in the Program
VIII Course on Management of Innovation
Total duration of the course: 10 hours.Schedule: de 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (2 hours per session).
Place: Classroom 2.4, Business and Economy Faculty (URV).
- 2nd of November. Session 1. Why invest in R&D and innovation in the company? - Agustí Segarra
- 11th of November. Session 2. Innovate technologically with less risk. Monitor the environment - Joan Sansaloni
- 19th of November. Session 3. Innovation strategy. How to overcome the post-Covid era19 - Pep Orellana
- 26th of November. Session 4. Challenges, questions and certainties about Innovation: What will (our life) be like in 2025? - J. Carlos Andrés
- 29th of November. Session 5. How to implement a company-wide innovation program - Enric Barba
More information in the Program
VII Course on Management of Innovation
Total duration of the course: 10 hours.Schedule: de 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (2 hours per session).
Place: Classroom1.4, Business and Economy Faculty (URV).
- 2nd of November: Session 1. Why invest in R&D and innovation in the company?
- 9th of November: Session 2. Access the sources of funding for innovation.
- 16th of November: Session 3. Are you an innovative company? Learn about certificates and the implementation of innovation management systems.
- 23rd of November: Session 4. Innovation strategy.
- 1st of December: Session 5. Storytelling, innovation and opportunities post covid-19.
Registrations: innovacio.empresa(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat Limited places!
More information in the Program
VI Course on Management of Innovation
Course objective:
- The emergence of new technologies is offering opportunities to companies in order to adapt. However, in order to make this step of transformation it is necessary to know the sectoral changes and have the tools to face the changes.
- The aim of the course is to show new trends in sectoral changes, economic support from the public administration, be aware of the comprehensive change in the management of the company, and the accompanying support that can be received.
- The course will show examples of business cases in order to be as applied as possible.
- The target audience is entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs or those responsible for innovation in companies. It will also be aimed at students with a Master's Degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation and a PhD.
- In order to obtain the attendance certificate, you must attend all classes.
Dates: 5 Wednesdays during the month of October 2019.
Total duration of the course: 15 hours.
Schedule: from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (3 hours per session).
Place: Degree Hall of the Faculty of Economics and Business (Campus Bellisens), Universitat Rovira i Virgili.
- 2nd of October: Session 1. Know the changes and trends at the sectoral level.
- 9th of October: Session 2. Access the sources of financing for innovation.
- 16th of October: Session 3. Are you an innovative company? Get to know the certificates and the implementation of management systems for innovation.
- 23rd of October: Session 4. Business experiences.
- 30th of October: Session 5. How to implement an innovation program throughout the company.
Inscriptions: innovacio.empresa(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat Limited places!
More information in the PROGRAM
Course on Innovation Management 2018
V Course on Innovation Management 2017
Presentation of the course and experiences Innovators: The Case of the Automotive Industry.
Workshop on innovation and entrepreneurship Innovation and business environment Company plans and innovation projects Creation of companies and growth Place: Cambrils.
Days: November 27 and December 4 and 11 from 4 to 8 p.m.
Place: Vila-Seca. Days: November 10, 26 and December 10 from 4 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Place: Móra d'Ebre. Days: October 1, 8 and 23 from 4 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Place: El Vendrell. Days: October 22, 24 and 30 from 4 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Place: Reus. Days: May 9, 16 and 23 from 4 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Place: Amposta. Days: 11, 18 and 25 April from 4 to 8 h. Place: Salou. Days: February 19 and 26 and March 5 from 4 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Place: Santa Coloma de Queralt. Days: January 15, 22 and 29 from 4 a.m.
Course on the management of innovation
What is innovation?
Management of R & D and innovation projects
Public policies for the promotion of innovation
Practices for drafting projects
Exhibition of innovation projects by students
Duration: 20 hours. Dates: 5 Tuesdays during the months of June and July.
Schedule: from 4 to 8 pm. Place: Faculty of Economics and Business. Program