Innovation awards

The URV Chair for the Promotion of Business Innovation was created by agreement with the Diputació de Tarragona, with the aim of promoting knowledge about innovation among the community and the environment of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili.
For this reason, from the Chair different awards have been called over time, in order to promote and incentivise research in the field of innovation:
- InnovaURV Award for the best TFG on innovation
For students of any degree from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV).
Since 2018.
- Innova Award to the young researcher with the best project on R+D+i (PhD)
For doctoral students from any EU university.
Since 2014.
The award is granted ex aequo within the framework of the PhD-Student Workshop in Industrial and Public Economics (WIPE).
- Aid for research documents
For doctoral students from any EU university.Calls open from 2011 to 2014, when they were replaced by the current call for the Innova Award to the young researcher with the best project on R+D+i (PhD). - Diari de Tarragona & BBVA Award
For SMEs in the province of Tarragona.
Since 2022.
History of winners of all calls
Innova Award to the young researcher with the best project on R+D+i (PhD) 2024
Siavash Mohades (University of Maastricht) "Firms' Investments & Capacity Utilisation".
Innova Award to the young researcher with the best project on R+D+i (PhD) 2023
Josep Tomàs Porres (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) "Creative destruction or accumulation: the unifying role of innovation persistence".
InnovaURV Award for the best TFG on Innovation 2023
Natalia Rodríguez (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) "Technical feasibility study of the use of regenerated water, of urban and industrial origin, as raw material for an alkaline electrolyzer". Chemical Student at ETSE of Campus Sescelades (Tarragona) at URV.
Innova Award to the young researcher with the best project on R+D+i (PhD) 2022
Georgios Tsiachtsiras (Universitat de Barcelona) "Transportation networks and the rise of the knowledge economy in 19th century France".
InnovaURV Award for the best TFG on Innovation 2022
Manel Martín (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) "Design of a pilot gasification plant using waste from an olive cooperative". Chemical Engineering Student at ETSE of Campus Sescelades (Tarragona) at URV.
Innova Award to the young researcher with the best project on R+D+i (PhD) 2021
Julia Mazzei (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna de Pisa) "Patent Entry Opposition & Entry Technology".
InnovaURV Award for the best TFG on Innovation 2021
In this edition the award has been divided between 2 winners:
Cristina Llort (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) "Creation of an expert system for the diagnosis of food intolerances". Informatical Engineering Student at ETSE of Campus Sescelades (Tarragona) at URV.
Alba Zurita (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) "Design of a pilot plant for the reclamation of industrial wastewater with minimum liquid discharge". Chemical Engineering Student at ETSE of Campus Sescelades (Tarragona) at URV.
InnovaURV Award for the best TFG on Innovation
In this edition the award has been divided between 2 winners:
Amadeu Llaurador (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) "Máquina para la recolección de avellanas". Mechanical Engineering Student at ETSE of Campus Sescelades (Tarragona) at URV.
Núria Mansergas (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) "El cuidado emocional de los professionales que trabajan con jovenes en riesgo de exclusión social". Pedagogy Student at the Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology (Tarragona) at URV.
Innova Award to the young researcher with the best project on R+D+i (PhD)
Federico Riccio (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa) "Modelo de innovación de desindustrialitzación sectorial"
InnovaURV Award for the best TFG on Innovation
Sergi Molinos (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) "Localització de pacients i maquinària al interior del parc sanitari". Industrial and Automated Electronic Engineering student at ETSE, in Campus Sescelades (Tarragona) of the URV.
InnovaURV Award for the best TFG on Innovation
Alba Arenós (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) "Enkaixo, S.L.". Business Management student at Faculty of Business and Economics, in Campus Terres de l'Ebre (Tortosa) of the URV.
Innova Award to the young researcher with the best project on R+D+i (PhD)
Karen Miranda (Universitat Rovira i Virgili - CREIP) "Growth, heterogeneous technological interdependence, and spatial externalities: Theory and evidence" (joint with Miquel Manjón-Antolín y Óscar Martínez-Ibáñez).
Damián Tojeiro-Rivero (Universitat de Barcelona) "Does regional knowledge capacity mediate the acquisition of external knowledge?" (joint with Rosina Moreno).
Innova Award to the young researcher with the best project on R+D+i (PhD)
Elisenda Jové Llopis (Universitat Rovira i Virgili - CREIP) "Eco-innovation strategies: a panel data comparison of Spanish service and manufacturing firms"
Sebastian Ellingsen (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) "The Impact of Commercial television on Turnout and Public Policy: Evidence from Norwegian Local Politics"
Innova Award to the young researcher with the best project on R+D+i (PhD)
Jorge Andrés Vélez Ospina (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) "Innovation decision and firm productivity: An empirical analysis for the services sector" (joint with O. Hernaes).
Abdelfeteh Bitat (Saint-Louis Brussels University) "Environmental regulation and eco-innovation: insights from diffusion of innovations theory" (joint with Wim Laurier)
Innova Award to the young researcher with the best project on R+D+i (PhD)
Valeria Bernardo, Joan-Ramon Borrell i Jordi Perdiguero (Universitat de Barcelona - IREA) "Fast Charging Stations: Simulating Entry and Location in a Game of Strategic Interaction"
Innova Award to the young researcher with the best project on R+D+i (PhD)
Christiaan Behrens (Tinbergen Institute, VU University Amsterdam) i Mark Lijesen (VU University Amsterdam) "The impact of product differentiation and uncertainty on capacity-then-price competition"
Guiomar Ibáñez (University Rovira i Virgili - CREIP) "Innovation and Horizontal mergers in an industry vertically related"
Aid for research documents
Gabriele Pellegrino "Reiviving demand-pull perspectives: The effect of demand uncertainty and stagnancy on R&D strategy"
Erika Badillo "Are R&D collaborative agreements persistent at the firm level? Evidence for the Spanish case"
Verónica Fernández "The Impact of Cooperation on R&D, Innovation and Productivity: an Analysis of Spanish Manufacturing and Services Firms"
Aid for research documents
Miquel Àngel Bové "Innovació en indústries tradicionals: la (r )-evolució vitivinícola del Priorat com a cas d'èxit"
Mercedes Teruel "Financial constraints and the failure of innovation projects"
Aid for research documents
Àngela Triguero, David Córcoles i Maria Carmen Cuerva "Measuring the persistence in innovation in Spanish Manufacturing firms: Empirical evidence using discrete-time models"
Ernest Miguélez "How do geographically mobile innovators influence network formation?"
Ricardo Flores "On the effect of collusion on domestic and international research joint ventures"
Silverio Alarcón "Relations between external and internal R&D, capital investment and profitability: the case of the agri-food Spanish industry"
Aid for research documents
Verònica Gomabau "Innovation and absorptive capacity: evidence from Spanish firms"
María José Fernández "Innovació regional: microcomponents i articulacions entre el capital social d'unió i el capital social pont en una xarxa d'empresaris viticultors del Priorat, Catalunya"
Jordi Tous "Aplicación de la psicología grupal a proyectos de equipos de emprendedores"