The research activity of the University-Business Chair focuses on the innovative activity of companies within the innovation system. Studies may have a double dimension: a more microeconomic one when analyzing the individual behaviour of the agents and, a more macroeconomic one when analysing the aggregate behaviours.
In a more specific way, the fields of interest of the Chair are:
- Analyze the determinants of the innovative activity according to the typologies of the Oslo Manual (2005): innovations in product, in process, in marketing and organisational.
- Evaluate the impact of innovation in the company and the territories where they are located. Make comparisons between territories.
- Carry out the assessment of public policies on business behaviour such as the location of science and technology parks, public subsidies, etc.
- Adopt a regional scale through the concept of a regional innovation system (the agents that participate in the innovative process in Catalonia).
- Adopt a sectoral scale with the concept of a sectoral innovation system (the agents that participate in the most significant sectoral and technological groupings: ICT technologies and advanced services aimed at companies, the automotive industry, financial system, etc.)
The results of these works will be published in prestigious international magazines such as Research Policy, Growth and Change, Economics of Innovation and News Technology, Review of Industrial Organization, Small Business Economics and Industry and Innovation.
A list of recent publications by the staff attached to the chair:
Cataruzzo, S.; Segarra, A. & Teruel, M.. (2024): "Firm-level contributions to the R&D intensity distribution: evidence and policy implications"
Cataruzzo, S.; Segarra, A. & Teruel, M.. (2024): "The international trade in human vaccines before COVID-19"
Quiroz, P. & Teruel, M.. (2024): "The role of information sources as a driver of innovation"
Tomàs, J.; Segarra, A. & Teruel, M. (2024): "Circular economy and public policies: A dynamic analysis for European SMEs"
Tomàs, J.; Segarra, A. & Teruel, M. (2024): "Financing patterns of working capital and physical investment"
Teruel, M.; Soldevila, M.V.; Martín, M. (2023): "A forecast of Cava wine sales applied to vine planting authorizations". British Food Journal, 125(3), 1-15+
Tomàs-Porres, J.; Segarra, A.; Teruel, M. (2023): "Export and variability in the innovative status" Eurasian Business Review, 13, 257-279
Teruel, M.; Amaral-García, S.; Bauer, P.; Coad, A.; Domnick, C.; Harasztosi, P.; Pál, R, (2023): "Productivity and HGEs: resilience and potential recovery from COVID-19 pandemic", Industry & Innovation, acceptat.
Coad, A.; Bauer, P.; Domnick, C.; Harasztosi, P.; Pál, R, Teruel, M. (2023): "From rapid decline to high growth: Where in the distribution did COVID hit hardest?", Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development.
Coad, A.; Amaral-García,S.; Bauer, P.; Domnick, C.; Harasztosi, P.; Pál, R, Teruel, M. (2023): "Investment expectations by vulnerable European firms in times of COVID", Eurasian Business Review, 13, 193-220.
Segarra, A.; Cattaruzzo, S.; Teruel, M. (2023): "The international trade in human vaccines before COVID-19" The World Economy
Díaz-Serrano, L.; Teruel, M. (2022): "On the Link between Job transition and Job Satisfaction", Applied Economics,
Cattaruzzo, S.; Segarra, A.; Teruel, M. (2022): "A decomposition of Spanish firms' internal R&D distribution: characteristics and business cycle", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, accepted.
Teruel, M.; Soldevila, V.; Martin-Bofarull, M. (2022): "A forecast of Cava wine sales applied to vine planting authorizations", British Journal of Food,
Cattaruzzo, S.; Teruel, M. (2022): "On the heterogeneity of the long-term leverage-growth relationship: An analysis for European manufacturing firms", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 62, 552-565.
Segarra, A.; Teruel, M.; Cattaruzzo, S. (2022): "Innovation, productivity and learning induced by export across European manufacturing firms", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 31(5), 387-415.
Teruel, Mercedes i Segarra, Agustí (2022): "Gender, occupational diversity of R&D teams and patents generation: an application to Spanish firms", R&D Management, 52(3), 517-529
Coad, A.; Amaral-García, S.; Bauer, P.; Domnick, C.; Harasztosi, P.; Pál, R. i Teruel, M. (2022): "Investment expectations by vulnerable European firms in times of COVID", Eurasian Business Review,
Coad A.; Harasztosi P.; Pál R. i Teruel M. (2022): Policy Instruments for High-Growth Enterprises. Chapter 15 in: Karl Wennberg and Christian Sandström (Eds): Questioning the Entrepreneurial State. Springer Nature
Coll, E.; Jové, E. i Teruel, M. (2022): "The City of Start-ups", Growth and Change, 53 (2), 872-1007.
Albiol, Judit, Díaz-Serrano, Luís i Teruel, Mercedes (2021): "The Transition to Self-Employment and Perceived Skill-Mismatches: Panel Data Evidence from Eleven EU Countries", Social Indicators Research, 153, 957-977
Coad, Alexander; Segarra-Blasco, Agustí i Teruel, Mercedes (2020): "A bit of basic, a bit of applied? R&D strategies and firm performance". Journal of Technology Transfer.
Teruel, Mercedes, Coad, A., Domnick, C., Flachenecker, F., Harasztosi, P., Janiri, M.L. i Pal, R. (2021): "The birth of new HGEs: internationalization through new digital technologies", The Journal of Technology Transfer, /10.1007/s10961-021-09861-6.
Coad, Alex; Domnick, Clemens; Flachenecker, Florian; Harasztosi, Peter; Janiri, Mario Lorenzo; Pál, Rozália i Teruel, Mercedes (2021): "Do capacity constraints trigger high growth for enterprises?", Econstor, doi:10.2867/20387
Segarra, Agustí; Teruel, Mercedes i Cattaruzzo, Sebastiano (2021): "The economic reaction to non-pharmaceutical interventions during Covid-19", Economic Analysis and Policy.
Jové-Llopis, Elisenda i Segarra-Blasco, Agustí (2020): "Why does eco‐innovation differ in service firms? Some insights from Spain". Business Strategy and the Environment.
Méndez-Ortega, Carles i Teruel, Mercedes (2020): "To acquire or not to acquire: the effects of acquisitions in the software industry". Journal of Evolutionary Economics.
Teruel, Mercedes i Quiroz, Paula (2020): "Does gender matter for innovative and non-innovative firms' growth? An empirical analysis of Chilean managers". Innovation and Development Journal.
Segarra-Blasco, Agustí; Teruel, Mercedes i Cattaruzzo, Sebastiano (2020): "Innovation, productivity and learning-induced by export across European manufacturing firms". Economics of Innovation and New Technology.
Teruel, Mercedes i Quiroz, Paula (2019): "La diversidad de género: factor de impulso de la innovación". Economía Industrial, núm. 414: 13-25.
Teruel, Mercedes (2019): "The role of innovation from a gender perspective". Inclòs en el llibre de Batalla, Joan i García-Quevedo, José: "An overview of Innovation in the Energy Sector for the Sudoe Regions" (ISBN: 978-84-09-13420-5). Ed. Fundación para la Sostenibilidad Energética y Ambiental, Pàg. 100-109.
Méndez, Carles i Teruel, Mercedes (2018): "To acquire or not to acquire: Mergers and Acquisitions in the Software Industry"
Segarra, Agustí i Teruel, Mercedes (2018): "Gender diversity, R&D teams and patents: An application to Spanish firms"
García-Quevedo, J., Segarra, Agustí i Teruel, Mercedes (2018): "Financial constraints and the failure of innovation projects", Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 127, 127-140".
Arauzo-Carod, J.M., Segarra, Agustí i Teruel, Mercedes (2018): "The Role of Science and Technology Parks as Firm Growth Boosters: an Empirical Analysis in Catalonia. Regional Studies, forthcoming".
Segarra, Agustí, Arauzo-Carod, J.M. i Teruel, Mercedes (2018): "Innovation and Geographical Spillovers: New Approaches and Empirical Evidence. Regional Studies, forthcoming".
Teruel, Mercedes i de Wit, Gerrit (2017): "Determinants of High-Growth Firms: Why Do Some Countries Have More High-Growth Firms than Others?", in Bonnet, Jean, Dejardin, Marcus i Garcia Perez de Lema, Domingo (eds.) Exploring the Entrepreneurial Society: Institutions, Behaviors and Outcomes, Edward Elgar".
Teruel, Mercedes i Segarra, Agustí (2017): "The Link between Gender Diversity and Innovation: What is the Role of Firm Size?", International Review of Entrepreneurship, 15(3), 319-340.
García-Quevedo, J., Segarra, Agustí y Teruel, Mercedes (2017): "Financial constraints and the failure of innovation projects", Technological Forecasting & Social Change, forthcoming".
Teruel, Mercedes (2017): "És necessari reindustrialitzar la Unió Europea?".
Teruel, M.; Segarra-Blasco, A.; García-Quevedo, J. (2016) “Restricciones financieras y el abandono de proyectos de innovación en las empresas españolas”.
Segarra-Blasco, A., Teruel, M. & Jové-Llopis, E. (2016) “High-growth firms and innovation in European countries”.
Costa-Campi, M.T., García-Quevedo, J. & Segarra, A. (2015): “Energy efficiency determinants: An empirical analysis of Spanish innovative firms”, Energy Policy, forthcoming.
Segarra, A. (2014): “La política de innovación”, Mediterráneo Económico, 25, 251-264.
Audretsch, D.B.; Coad, A. & Segarra, A. (2014): “Firm growth and innovation”, Small Business Economics, 43(4), 743-749.
Audretsch, D. B.; Segarra, A. & Teruel, M. (2014): “Why not all young firms invest in R&D”, Small Business Economics, 43(4), 751-766.
Segarra, A. & Teruel, M. (2014): “High-Growth Firms and Innovation: an empirical analysis for Spanish firms”, Small Business Economics, 43(4), 805-821.
Segarra, A. (2013) “El paper de la URV sobre el territori: una proposta per retre comptes”, Revista Econòmica de Catalunya, 67: 16-27.
Coad, A.; Segarra, A. & Teruel, M. (2013): “Like milk or wine: Does firm performance improve with age?”, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 24: 173-189.
Segarra, A.& Teruel, M. (2012). “An Appraisal of Firm Size Distribution; Does Sample Size Matter?”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 82(1): 314-328.
Coad, A. & Teruel, M (2012): “Inter-firm rivalry and firm growth: is there any evidence of direct competition between firms?”, Industrial and Corporate Change, June 2012: 1-29
Segarra, A. & Teruel, M. (2011). “Productivity and R&D sources: evidence for Catalan firms”, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 20(8): 727-748.
Segarra, A. (2010). “Innovation and productivity in manufacturing and service firms in Catalonia: a regional approach”, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 19 (3, 233-258).
Segarra, A. & Teruel. M. (2010): “Obstáculos de las empresas para innovar”. Análisis sobre ciencia e innovación en España. 14: 444-473.
Segarra, A. (2009): “Dinámica empresarial e innovación: la incidencia del espacio”, Investigaciones Regionales, VOL. 15: 5-23
Audretsch, D.B. (2009): “Capital emprendedor y crecimiento económico”, Investigaciones Regionales, VOL. 15: 27-35
Callejón, M.* & Ortún, V. (2009): “La caja negra de la dinámica empresarial”, Investigaciones Regionales, VOL. 15:167-189
Teruel, M. & Segarra, A. (2009): “Immigration and Firm Performance: a city-level”, Investigaciones Regionales, VOL. 15:111-137
García-Quevedo, J. & Afcha, S. (2009): “Un análisis comparativo entre las subvenciones estatales y regionales”, Investigaciones Regionales, VOL. 15:227-294
Segarra, A.; García, J. & Teruel, M. (2008). “Barriers to Innovation and Public Policy in Catalonia”, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 4(4), 431-451.
Segarra, A. & Arauzo, J.M. (2008). “External Sources of Innovation and Industry-Universities Interaction: evidence from Spanish firms”, Research Policy, 37,1283-1295.
Segarra, A. (dir.); Teruel, M.; Arauzo, J.M.; Iranzo, S. & Gombau, V. (2008). “Dinámica empresarial, creación de empleo y productividad en las manufacturas españolas: un estudio a nivel de empresa”. Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio.