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Càtedra d'Innovació i Simulació en salut de les Terres de l'Ebre

The Càtedra d'Innovació i Simulació en salut de les Terres de l'Ebre is conceived as a tool for interdisciplinary reflection, debate and dissemination in the area of innovation and territorial simulation, its mission is to enable the establishment of powerful relationships with the different public and private entities in its environment, in a way that facilitates contact between the university, the productive sector and society in general, making the economic and social benefits that derive from it more visible in the long term.

In this sense, flexibility in relationships and interdisciplinarity in its actions can catalyze the generation and socialization of knowledge, as well as promote the dissemination and dissemination of relevant topics in our environment. Likewise, the chair will make it possible to build a solid relationship with local agents, demonstrate the ability to generate efficient interactions and create trust on the part of society towards the university.

This chair will make it possible to create, articulate and promote innovation and health infrastructures, training and research that arise from it, or are directly related to its mission and fulfill the following objectives:

  1. Disseminate knowledge and carry out the transfer of results of interest on health between the scientific and professional community.
  2. Regulate infrastructures to improve training, expertise, care quality and patient safety.
  3. Promote pre-degree (degrees in health) and post-degree/masters, experiential and/or immersive training to improve learning processes in the field of e-health, as well as improve multidisciplinary skills.
  4. Foster research, synergies between institutions, universities, companies,... to promote research and subsequent transfer in the field of e-health and territory.
  5. Participate and promote conferences, courses, seminars and conferences on e-health.
  6. Promote innovation and scientific research on e-health.

The activities are mainly organized around training, innovation and research, transfer and dissemination. These activities aim to:

  1. Contribute to the training of students and professionals in the field of e-health.
  2. Promote the training of professionals through specialized courses and conferences.
  3. Promote scientific meetings of professionals and researchers.
  4. Create new lines of research in this field of study.
  5. Create, articulate and promote, infrastructures of innovation and clinical simulation, according to uniqueness and location.