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Chair of Healthy Environments

A healthy environment is defined as the work or leisure environment in companies, institutions, and leisure spaces where members collaborate to protect and promote the health and well-being of workers or community members and the sustainability of the work or leisure space, within a process of continuous improvement. Companies, institutions, and leisure spaces are areas where people spend time in their lives and are a key point in generating healthy environments.

These environments include various aspects:

  • Health resources with factors such as sedentary behavior, eating habits, consumption of harmful substances for health, sleep disturbances, ergonomic problems, particularly sensitive workers, etc., for which actions are proposed in line with promoting active commuting, healthy eating advice, health promotion talks, information to prevent insomnia or apnea, etc.
  • Healthy and sustainable work and living environments as well as sustainable and healthy learning environments.
  • Health and well-being depend on the psychosocial environment, including the organization of work and the culture of the space, with factors such as organization, institutional culture, improving working conditions, or planning activities, etc.

The Chair has been conceived as a tool for interdisciplinary reflection, debate, and dissemination around the concept of healthy companies and environments, promoted by the University in collaboration with the business world and other environments. This chair has the following objectives:

  1. Analyze the current scenario in health aspects of the company, institution, or leisure space.
  2. Promote health in a specific environment (company, institution, or leisure space).
  3. Create healthy and sustainable work and living environments as well as sustainable and healthy learning environments.
  4. Contribute to the health, well-being, and sustainability of the people who integrate companies, institutions, and leisure spaces.
  5. Integrate health and sustainable development as transversal aspects in teaching, research, knowledge transfer, and work at the URV.

The activities of the Chair are mainly organized around the following four areas:

  • Training: Propose activities that contribute to improving the health conditions of workers or members of companies, institutions, and leisure spaces and support them.
  • Research: Generate knowledge in the field of health and well-being of individuals.
  • Transfer: Collaborate with all interested parties to make it possible to apply the research results achieved in this field of study.
  • Dissemination: Spread the results achieved in the previous sections through cycles of conferences, seminars, or debates and act as an observatory of aspects related to healthy environments.