Chair of Local Legal Studies Màrius Viadel i Martin
The aim of the URV is to make the dissemination of knowledge and innovation in the local world, in particular in the field of law, management and local finances, with special transparency to the territory of the Camp de Tarragona and the Ebro. With for this purpose the Chair of Marius Viadel local law firms and Martin is created as vehicular stage for performances that are developed under the agreement that created it; which are based primarily on the organization of training, research, knowledge transfer, reflection, creation and dissemination of opinion in the above fields relating especially locally.
Chair was created to promote the dissemination of specialized knowledge related to the local law to promote a better functioning of local government and increase wellbeing.
Viadel and Marius Martin was Secretary General of the Council of Tarragona and associate professor of administrative law at this university. A great man and a great jurist, beyond their professional competence, systematic and scientific knowledge of the subjects was owned firm will bring their skills and knowledge to those who wanted to approach the local .
Tarragona Province given the importance of character and interest of local knowledge, collaborates in support of the Chair of legal studies and local Viadel Marius Martin. Since 2001, the Province of Tarragona in collaboration with the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and the Editorial Tirant lo Blanch published in memory of Marius and Martin Viadel work entitled Introduction to local and urban Catalonia Josep Ramon Fuentes Gasó, and Judith Gifreu Font, Jaume Renyer Alimbau i Josep Maria Sabaté i Vidal.