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Current research projects

The Càtedra URV per a l’Estudi del Fet Casteller has among its functions the promotion of research on the Casteller fact from as many disciplines as possible. The projects promoted by the Chair are carried out on its own initiative, at the proposal of the partners, or at the proposal of third parties. Here we explain in broad strokes the works that are in progress. 

Research projects

  • Sinistrality of the "canalla"

    Research that aims to evaluate the incidence of traumatic injuries in boys and girls from the ‘pom de dalt’, the upper part of human towers,, and compare it with other sports activities, specifically football. It is a longitudinal prospective study that will be carried out over two seasons (2023 and 2024), with a forecast to end in December 2024. The study is led by Manel González Peris, from the Sports Medicine Unit from the Santa Tecla University Network and professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the URV.

  • Castells and social inclusion

    The study aims to analyze the elements that are contributing to the social inclusion of immigrants and refugees and the role played by the Colles”Castelleres de Catalunya and the Balearic Islands in this process. It is planned to finish the works during the summer of 2024.

    Principal investigator: dr. José Oriol Rios Gonzalez, from the IMSE "Social Impact and Education" Research Group of the URV

  • Impact of climate change on castellers activities

    Research project to analyze the impact of climate change on the Castellers festivals. It seeks to understand how climate change affects, or can affect, the celebration of these events and what adaptation measures could be implemented to mitigate its negative impacts. It is based on the idea that festivals, especially those that take place during the warmest months of the year, in the middle of the day and in open spaces, are exposed to meteorological conditions (high temperature, humidity and insolation ), which can compromise the safety of the people participating and the success of the activity.
    Research team: Anna Boqué, Jon Olano and Òscar Saladié (University Institute for Research in Sustainability, Climate Change and Energy Transition (IU-RESCAT).

    More information

  • History of the Xiquets de Valls

    Research directed by Dr. Alexandre Cervelló on the history of the Xiquets de Valls. Two volumes have been published: Els orígens del fet casteller: Del ball de valencians als Xiquets de Valls, and Els Xiquets de Valls durant el primer franquisme. Research on the first golden age of castells (1850-1889) is currently being completed.