Changes to identifying and personal details on record
- DESCRIPTION: The process by which students can change the personal details that appear on their records.
Application procedure
The interested party or the authorized person on presentation of the necessary identification.
At the Secretary's Office of the Faculty/School where they are carrying out their studies.
The application can also be submitted via the online administrative procedures on the URV's intranet or the URV online registry.
As soon as students detect any mistakes in the identifying and/or personal details on their records.
If students can demonstrate that they need the details from another document to show on their records.
If students need to change their contact details in their academic record (postal address, email, etc.)
Students must present the following documentation:
Application for this procedure has no cost.
For identifying details, the document which must appear on the record is:
Foreign students must use their Spanish resident's card numbers if they are required to make any payments. (In all cases, one the fees for the issuance of the certificate have been paid, the Secretary's Office will use the passport number for the degree certificate and the European Supplement.)

Resolution of the application
Head of the Secretariat.
When the application is made, or at the most during the following five working days.
Once the application has been considered, the new details will be added to the system and the erroneous details will be removed.
- The changes will be visible on the personal details record, which means that it is not necessary to send a separate explicit notification to the individual (the personal details record can be consulted on the intranet).
- If the changes cannot be made, the individual concerned will be notified.
In cases where students request amendments to spelling mistakes in their names, the new versions of their names will be those that appear on their identity documents.
Students will be given a form detailing the consequences of changing their identifying details and the actions they must take to mitigate these.
If the authorised change affects the student identifier (for example, DNI or NIE number), from that moment on the student will have to use the new identifier in order to access the URV digital services.
If any differences are observed between the personal details entered into the record during automatic processes and those that appear on the official identity document, the Secretary's Office of the Faculty/School will make the necessary changes and inform the student.
If the student has a record at more than one Faculty/School, the Secretary's Offices will inform each other of the changes made.
If there are any differences between translations, the Catalan version prevails.