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  • DESCRIPTION: This procedure allows students to make partial modifications to the subjects that they initially registered for outside the period of five calendar days after registration. Through this procedure students may apply to change from one group to another within a subject that they have registered for

Application procedure


The interested party or the authorized person on presentation of the necessary identification.


At the auxiliary registry of the Secretary's Office of the Faculty/School where the studies are or were carried out (if the transcript is for official purposes).

The application can also be submitted via the online administrative procedures on the URV's intranet or the URV online registry.


  • Ordinary period: After the period of five calendar days after registration and until 30 October (* observations).
  • Extraordinary period: In February (dates pending confirmation), only for subjects taught in the second semester.


Students must present the following documentation:

  •  Application form addressed to the head of the Secretary's Office who, if necessary, will pass it onto the Office of the Dean or the Director of the Faculty/School.
    Click here to download the PDF form.
  • Original and photocopy of the document that accredits the type of exemption, if appropriate (large family certificate, etc.).
  • Document confirming the special circumstances, if necessary.


  • If the procedure that they have requested is authorised and formalised, students must pay the fee issued by the Secretary's Office for the modifications they make to the number of subjects for which they are registered. This fee is established by the current decree on public prices.

  • Students must be up-to-date with their payments on the date the application is made.


  • If students make these modifications during this period, they may not make.

  • (*) During the extraordinary period, students may only apply to change group for subjects taught during the second semester or for subjects taught over the course of the whole year, which according to the faculty/school constitute the entire teaching activity for the second semester.



Resolution of the application


The faculty/school at which the application form has been presented.


As far as possible, within 5 working days of presenting the application and any necessary documentation, and at the most up to 10 days after presenting the application.
* August is not considered to be a working month.

  • If the request is approved, the secretary's office will complete the student's change of group and generate the invoice for the corresponding registration modification charge.

The change will be recorded on the student's academic transcript, and this change will substitute any personal notification. The student can consult and print the registration fee invoice from the platform "My payments", where the "Gr" next to the relevant subject will have been changed.

  • If the application is not approved, the student will be informed directly.

The change of group will have no financial consequences on registration, but it will incur a registration modification charge.

The student will receive an email informing them if that they have to pay the registration modification charge.

Observations Faculties/schools will only allow students to make changes of group or to register for additional subjects provided there are sufficient places and the students are up to date with their payments.

If there are any differences between translations, the Catalan version prevails.