Full annulment of registration for personal reasons: Before the start of academic activity
Implementation course: 2024-25
Application procedure
The interested party or the authorized person on presentation of the necessary identification.
At the Academic Management Office of the faculty or school where the programme is taught.
The application can also be submitted via the online administrative procedures on the URV's intranet or the URV online registry.
- Before the start of academic activities, by 30 September at the latest.
By presenting the following documentation:

Resolution of the application
Head of the Secretary's Office of the Faculty/School.
Whenever possible, when the application is made. At most 5 naturals days after presenting the application and any necessary documentation.
- The interested party will be informed of the resolution and, if appropriate, their academic transcript will be updated.
- The annulment of registration will be recorded on the computer system.
- If the application for annulment is submitted before the start of academic activity and the fees have already been paid, the thesis supervision fee, learning support services fee, insurance and any applicable voluntary services will be refunded, if appropriate. The amounts paid to cover administrative charges and the academic pathway study fee, if applicable, will not be refunded.
- For the student's request for cancellation to be granted, the student must be up-to-date with their payments.
- If the student has not paid the corresponding fees within the established deadlines, the fees will be claimed in the unpaid phase. Doctoral students who are in this situation will be considered temporarily suspended. During the period in which they are temporarily suspended:
- They may not be issued with certificates, academic transcripts or diplomas.
- They may not register for any URV course until they have rectified their situation.
- This is stipulated in the Decree on public prices and applies to all Catalan universities.
- Students whose registration is annulled will lose their places and the registration will be null and void.
- If they are new doctoral students, they must repeat the official pre-registration in order to begin any university course.
- All other students who wish to continue their studies must apply to resume their courses during the academic year after the annulment. If after a full academic year they have not applied to resume their studies on the original programme, they will no longer permitted to do so. If they decide to undertake doctoral studies in the future, they must pre-register for a different programme.
- New students will be returned the documents that they submitted when they registered, if applicable.
- If the doctoral student enjoys a contract of research personnel in training or has applied for a grant, the secretary's office must inform the Academic Management Service.
If there are any differences between translations, the Catalan version prevails.