How to enrol in a master's degree step by step
You can pre-register for university master's degrees for the 2025-26 academic year from 3 March 2025. You can consult the calendar.
Before beginning the pre-registration, bear in mind the following:
- Please make sure you meet the academic requirements before submitting your pre-registration. We also recommend that you choose your master's programme with care. Pre-registering has a charge of €30.21, which is non-refundable if you are not admitted or if you have chosen the wrong master's programme.
- You must pay via debit or credit card. Pre-registration is valid only after this charge has been paid.
- Once you confirm your pre-registration, you will receive an e-mail with instructions to upload your access documentation through your document manager. The university will be closed during the month of August, so no emails or applications will be dealt with. All documentation uploaded to the document manager while the University is closed will be checked in September.
- If you are admitted in 1st or 2nd phase and you want to ensure that you get a place, you have to reserve it by making an advanced payment of €400 which will be discounted from the rest of your registration fees.
- If you pre-register in the 4th phase and live in a country which requires a visa to travel to Spain for you studies, you have to evaluate whether you can obtain this document in time to arrive before classes start. Not getting the visa is not a valid reason to annul your registration.
The following master's degrees have a specific pre-registration calendar:
- Pre-registration for Erasmus Mundus Master’s Degree on Wine Tourism Innovation:
· 1st period: 15 November 2024 to 16 December 2024
· 2nd period: 1 April to 5 May 5 2025 - Pre-registration for the 2024-25 Master's Degree in Training for Teachers of Compulsory Secondary Education and Upper Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language Teaching took place from 24 July to 6 September 2024. The dates for the 2025-26 academic year are pending approval.