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Master's degrees > University Master's Degree in Computer Security Engineering and Artificial Intelligence

University Master's Degree in Computer Security Engineering and Artificial Intelligence - 9th edition

Places available
Face-to-face / Online
Language of instruction

Face-to-face mode: afternoons, from Monday to Friday. Check the timetable for the academic course 2024-25.

There is no timetable for the online mode.

Course date

From mid-September to end of June

Academic coordinator
Dra. Susana Álvarez Fernández
URV Faculty
School of Engineering (URV)

(for students from the UE, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Andorra*, or resident in Spain, price for 2024-25).

Rest of students: €2,913.

*Students with degrees from non-EU countries will be charged an academic tax of €218.15 the first time they enrol only.

Student Office
(+34) 977 77 99 44

preregistration for URV master's degree is open until 17 july

The Master's Degree in Computer Security Engineering and Artificial Intelligence prepares you to carry out responsible work in a wide range of areas, including industry, academia and public administration. The master's degree curriculum includes research topics related to information production, application security, machine learning, modelling and problem-solving, among others. When you finish the master's degree, you will be able to tackle problems of high technical difficulty or that require a high level of innovation and research.

Specifically, the master's degree provides students with:

  • The skills to use advanced Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for designing and implementing safe intelligent systems.
  • The skills to use advanced ICT to ensure the safety of information in applications, services, and ICT systems and the privacy of their users.
  • The skills to lead, manage and carry out ICT systems projects based on Artificial Intelligence.
  • The skills to innovate and conduct research in the field of Computer Security and Artificial Intelligence.

You can choose to follow this master’s degree online or face-to-face. There are 20 places for each mode.

  • AQU Computer Security Engineering and Artificial Intelligence
  • IQAS certification ETSE
  • IQAS certification ETSE