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Inter-university Master's Degree in Health Data Science - 1st edition

Inter-university Master's Degree in Health Data Science

Academic information

Online teaching organisation

The online teaching follows a model that includes synchronous and asynchronous activities, with a maximum of 30% synchronous activities per subject; e.g., in a subject of 3 ECTS credits, a maximum of 30% of the study load is synchronous.

Classes are organised over fifteen weeks, from Monday to Friday, between 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. (CET).

The online training uses Moodle, the university's Virtual Campus. It is an online learning environment adapted to the needs of e-learning models and allows for both synchronous and asynchronous activities.

For synchronous classes, the Microsoft Teams videoconferencing tool is used. Synchronous sessions are recorded and accessible from the Virtual Campus or Moodle.


Assessment activities can be synchronous, and therefore may require participation in the corresponding class hours. Although it is not mandatory to attend 100% of synchronous classes, it is highly advisable to do so. It is necessary, therefore, to be flexible enough to take part in the synchronous classes that involve assessment.

Double qualification

Students will obtain an official Spanish master's degree issued by the URV with the endorsement of the eight participating universities, and a French diploma from the Université Grenoble Alpes.

External practices

Compulsory cross-organizational internship (15 ECTS).

Master's degree final project

Students will have the opportunity to study and complete their master's thesis (9 ECTS credits) in settings other than academia such as hospitals and the biopharmaceutical industry.

Course guide of the Master's Thesis subject from the School of Engineering (ETSE).


Inter-university master’s degree in Health Data Science is a new official programme which has been approved by the Spanish University Council (Consejo de Universidades). Check here the positive resolution.

More information

Specific grants