University Master's Degree in General Health Psychology - 11th edition
This Master's degree is aimed at graduates with official university degrees in Psychology. Furthermore:
- Graduates with Spanish qualifications dated after CNU/1309/2018 must have passed 90 ECTS credits in the ambit of health psychology.
- Graduates with foreign qualifications must have passed 90 ECTS credits in the ambit of health psychology as it is established by the Resolución de 16 de noviembre de 2023, de la Secretaría General de Universidades por la que se establecen recomendaciones para la acreditación del cumplimiento de los requisitos para el acceso al Máster en Psicología General Sanitaria en los títulos universitarios oficiales extranjeros de Psicología.
To apply for accreditation of this requirement at the URV, follow the procedure “Access to the Master's Degree in General Health Psychology with a foreign university degree in Psychology”.
Specific Documentation
To pre-register, you must present the general compulsory documentation and, if you have obtained the qualification of Psychologist from outside Spain, you must present a letter of presentation with a list of all the subjects that you have passed in the ambit of health psychology.
Optionally, you can present the following documentation:
- Accreditation of related professional experience.
- Accreditation of complementary training related to the content of the master's degree (other Master's Degrees or postgraduate degrees).
Selection criteria
Selection is based on the weighted average of the academic transcript of the qualification that provides you with access to the master's degree. If there is a tie, the following criteria will apply:
- Demonstrated professional experience in the ambit of the psychology: maximum 10 points (1 point per year worked).
- Complementary master's or postgraduate training related to the ambit of general health psychology: maximum 5 points (1 point per training course).
The academic committee reserves the right to request any additional documentation that it may need to verify the skills and qualifications listed on the student's curriculum vitae.
Student Office
(+34) 977 77 99 44