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Master's degrees > University Master's Degree in General Health Psychology

University Master's Degree in General Health Psychology - 11th edition

University Master's Degree in General Health Psychology


Knowledge area: behavioural sciences and psychology 

1st  36 12 12 -- 60
2nd -- -- 18 12 30
TOTALS 36 12 30 12 90

FIRST YEAR: Compulsory Subjects

11685101 Fundamentals of Health Psychology 3
11685102 Biological Bases of Behaviour 3
11685103 Assessment Methods in Health Psychology 5
11685104 Basic Skills and Professional Deontology in Health Psychology 3
11685105 Psychotic and Personality Disorders 5
11685106 Emotional Disorders During the Life Cycle 5
11685107 Cognitive Assessment in Neuropsychology 3
11685108 Neuropsychological Intervention and Neurorehabilitation 3
11685109 Intervention in Chronic Illnesses 3
11685110 Aggressiveness and Violent Behaviour Disorders 3
11685401 Internship I 12

SECOND YEAR: Optional Subjects

11685402 Internship II                                                         18
11685301 Master's Thesis 12


11685201 Psychology of Pain 3 Yes
11685202 Psychopathology in Early Infancy 3 Yes
11685203 Emotional and Behavioural Disorders in Children and Adolescents 3 Yes
11685204 Psychological Assessment and Intervention into Learning Difficulties 3 No
11685205 Psychomotor Assessment 3 No
11685206 Psychoeducational Intervention in the Family Context 3 No
11685207 Promoting Active Ageing 3 No
11685208 Multisensorial Stimulation and Intervention Stimulation and Relaxation Rooms 3 No
11685209 Health at Work 3 No
11685210 Health Organisations 3 No
11685211 Electrophysiological Techniques in the Assessment of Cognitive Functions and Disturbances 3 No
11685212 Computer Programs for Data Analysis 3 No
11685213 New Technologies in Clinical Health Psychology General 3 Yes
11685214 Eating Disorders 3 Yes
11685215 Neurocognitive Alterations Caused by Exposure to and Abuse of Neuroactive Substances 3 No
11685216 Community Intervention 3 No
11685217 Cognitive Assessment of Alterations to the Executive Functions 3 No
11685218 Emotional Communication Between Therapist and Patient 3 No
11685219 Stress and Disease 3 No
11685220 Social Psychology of Health 3 No
11685221 Neurotoxicology of Behaviour 3 No
11685222 Multivariable Techniques 3 No
11685223 Advances in the Theory of Psychological Measurement 3 No
11685224 Clinical Psychopharmacology 3 Yes
11685225 Crises and Emergencies: Psycho-social Processes, Intervention and Assessment 3 No
Subjects of Master's Degree in Genera Health Psychology (2014) Subjects of Master's Degree in Health Psychology (2012)
Code Subjects  ECTS Code Subjects      ECTS
11685101 Fundamentals of Health Psychology  3 11655101 Conceptual Foundations of the Psychology of Health  3
11685102 Biological Bases of Behaviour  3 11655102 Biological Bases of Behaviour  3
11685103 Assessment Methods in Health Psychology 5 11655103

Applied Research Designs
Creation and Adaptation of Tools for Psychological Evaluation

11685104 Basic Skills and Professional Deontology in Health Psychology 3 11655105 Basic Skill and Professional Deontology in the  Psychology of Health 3
11685105 Psychotic and Personality Disorders  5 11655106 Psychotic and Personality Disorders  6
11685106 Emotional Disorders During the Life Cycle  5 11655108 Emotional Disorders During the Life Cycle  6
11685107 Cognitive Assessment in Neuropsychology 3 11655109 Cognitive Assessment in Neuropsychology 3
11685108 Neuropsychological Intervention and Neurorehabilitation  3 11655110 Neuropsychological Intervention and Neurorehabilitation  3
11685109 Intervention in Chronic Illnesses  3 11655107 Intervention in Chronic Illnesses  3
11685110 Aggressiveness and Violent Behaviour Disorders  3 11655111 Agressiveness and Violence  3
11685224 Clinical Psychopharmacology  3 11655217 Clinical Psychopharmacology  3
11685401 Work Placement I 12 11655401 Work Placement I 12
11685402 Work Placement II 18 11655402 Work Placement II 18
11685201 Psychology of Pain  3 11655201 Psychology of Pain  3
11685202 Psychopathology in Early Infancy  3 11655202 Psychopathology in Early Infancy  3
11685203 Emotional and Behavioural Disorders in Children and Adolescents  3 11655203 Emotional and Behavioural Disorders in Children and Adolescents  3
11685204 Psychological Assessment and Intervention into Learning Difficulties  3 11655204 Psychological Assessment and Intervention into Learning Difficulties  3
11685205 Psychomotor Assessment  3 11655205 Psychomotor Assessment  3
11685206 Psychoeducational Intervention in the Family Context  3 11655206 Psychoeducational Intervention in the Family Context  3
11685207 Promoting Active Ageing  3 11655207 Promoting Active Ageing  3
11685208 Multisensorial Stimulation and Intervention in Snoezelen Rooms  3 11655208 Multisensorial Stimulation and Intervention Stimulation and Relaxation Rooms  3
11685209 Health at work  3 11655209 Health at work  3
11685210 Health  Organisations  3 11655210 Health  Organizations  3
11685211 Electrophysiological Techniques in the Assessment of Cognitive Functions and Disturbances  3 11655211 Electrophysiological Techniques in the Assessment of Cognitive Functions and Disturbances  3
11685212 Computer Programs for Data Analysis  3 11655212 Computer Programs for Data Analysis  3
11685213 New Technologies in Clinical Health Psychology General  3 11655213 New Technologies in  Clinical Psychology and the Psychology of Health  3
11685214 Eating Disorders  3 11655214 Eating Disorders  3
11685215 Neurocognitive Alteracions Caused by Exposure to and Abuse of neuroactive Substances  3 11655215 Neurocognitive Alteracions Caused by Exposure to and Abuse of neuroactive Substances  3
11685216 Community Intervention  3 11655216 Community Intervention  3
11685217 Cognitive Assessment of Alterations to the Executive Functions  3 11655218 Cognitive Assessment of Alterations to the Executive Functions  3
11685218 Emotional Communication Between Therapist and Patient  3 11655219 Emotional Communication Between Therapist and Patient  3
11685219 Stress and Disease  3 11655220 Stress and Disease  3
11685220 Social Psychology of Health  3 11655221 Social Psychology of Health  3
11685221 Neurotoxicology of Behaviour  3 11655222 Neurotoxicology of Behaviour  3
11685222 Multivariable Techniques  3 11655223 Multivariable Techniques  3
11685223 Advances in the Theory of Psychological Measurement  3 11655224 Advances in the Theory of Psychological Measuremen  3