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University Master’s Degree in Nanoscience, Materials and Processes: Chemical Technology at the Frontier (extinction) - 11th edition


The Master's Degree is aimed at graduates in scientific-technological disciplines or the health sciences. Therefore the Master’s Degree is designed for students coming from any of the branches of the experimental sciences, health and technologies, with strong inclination and motivation for cutting-edge research.

Specific documentation required

As well as the compulsory general documentation required for pre-enrolment on the programme, you must also submit the following documents:

  • Letter of motivation/declaration of intent for academic coordination.
  • Proof of level B2 in English according to  the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages or equivalent. In the unlikely event that you cannot demonstrate this level, you will be interviewed by academic coordinator to assess your listening level before admission.

Optionally, you can also submit other training relevant to the content of the master's degree (courses, seminars and other training activities, supported by the adequate accreditation documents) and Extended visits to English-speaking countries (at least 12 weeks, accredited by the appropriate documents).

Selection criteria

1. Suitability of the access degree: Up to 20 points. Degrees will be graded using the following scale:

   a. Graduates in the field of engineering, natural sciences and health sciences: up to 20 points.
   b. Other: 0 points.

2. Transcript of records of the university degree that gives access to the master: up to 40 points.

3. Higher competence in English than the minimum required (Level B2 or equivalent). In the unlikely event that the student cannot demonstrate this level, there will be an oral interview in which the listening level will be assessed: up to 20 points.

4. Other training (courses, seminars and other training activities, supported by the adequate accreditation documents) relevant to the content of the master’s degree: up to 10 points.

5. Extended visits to English-speaking countries (at least 12 weeks, accredited by the appropriate documents): up to 10 points.
However, when there is no shortage of places on the course, students may be admitted without being prioritized on merit.

Check the regulations governing access and admission.

However, if any places remain unfilled, the entity responsible for admissions may admit students without prioritising them according to their merits, provided, that is, that they meet the access requirements.

Student Office
(+34) 977 77 99 44