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Master's degrees > Inter-University Master's Degree in Nutrition and Metabolism

Inter-University Master's Degree in Nutrition and Metabolism - 20th edition

Places available
Language of instruction
Spanish (91%) and English (9%)

Generally, afternoons from Monday to Friday. Detailed timetable.

Course date

From end of September to June

Academic coordinator
Dra. Anna Arola Arnal
URV Faculty
Faculty of Chemistry (URV)

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the Uiversitat Rovira i Virgili

Faculty of Biology of the Universitat de Barcelona

Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Science of the Universitat de Barcelona


(for students from the UE, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Andorra*, or resident in Spain, price for academic year 2024-25).

Rest of students: €2,913.

*Students with degrees from non-EU countries will be charged an academic tax of €218.15 the first time they enrol only.

Student Office
(+34) 977 77 99 44

  • Universitat Rovira i Virgili
  • UB

The content of this webpage corresponds to the master's editions up to the academic year 2024-25. The University is working on certain organizational changes and on the curriculum that is expected to be implemented in the 2025-26 academic year. These changes will affect students who are now applying for admission. As soon as external approval of these changes is available, we will update this website. Ask for information and we will notify you of the update.

The Official Master's degree in Nutrition and Metabolism taught by the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and the Universitat de Barcelona in collaboration with the Universitat de les Illes Balears. It is based on training and research excellence, including the latest improvements in clinical nutrition, nutrigenomics and functional foods. Prestigious hospitals, research groups and food industries are also involved.

There are three specialities to choose from:

  • Clinical Nutrition
  • Functional Food Design
  • Research


  • Certificació SIGQ Nutrició i Metabolisme
  • FQ institution label - Nutrition and Metabolism
  • Possitive Accreditation Nutrition and Metabolism
  • Nutrition and Metabolism Excellence Accreditation

Universitat Rovira i Virgili and Universitat de Barcelona, leading universities in nutrition.

Online informative session on April 8, at 16 h. Check out here the details.

Participating universities

  • Universitat Rovira i Virgili (coordinating university)
  • Universitat de Barcelona

Collaborating Institutions

  • Universitat de les Illes Balears