University Master's Degree in Advanced Research in Humanistic Studies (extinction) - 4th. edition
Academic information
The master's degree has two specialities:
- Speciality in Research into History and History of Art (18 optional ECTS credits)
- Speciality in Research into Linguistics and Literary Studies (18 optional ECTS credits)
Alternatively, students may study a mixed curriculum by choosing 8 subjects among the total elective subjects. Students who study a mixed curriculum will not be eligible for a special mention on their master's degree certificate.
Online teaching organisation
Students can choose between face-to-face and online teaching, as well as combine face-to-face and online subjects.
The master’s degree is offered in Online teaching is provided via the URV's online campus (Moodle).
External practices
The Internships subject is compulsory (6 ECTS credits) and consists of two different parts:
- Internship in an active research group (3 ECTS credits)
- Interdisciplinary research seminars (3 ECTS credits).
This subject of the master's degree provides students with first-hand experience in one of the groups or projects conducting research in the Humanities at the URV and the opportunity to actively participate in a research seminar.
Master's degree final project
Calls: June and September.
The Master's Thesis may be written and/or presented in English.
Guide to the Master’s Thesis subject of the Faculty of Arts.
Optional. Check the list of URV's mobility agreements.
Specific grants
Becas Cátedra Josep Anton Baixeras (ámbito de Filología Catalana)*
*For more information, please contact to the academic coordinator