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Master's degrees > University Master's Degree in Advanced Research in Humanistic Studies (extinction)

University Master's Degree in Advanced Research in Humanistic Studies (extinction) - 4th. edition

Career opportunities

The Master's Degree provides students, through the completion of a doctoral thesis, with the tools they need to begin research in the various fields that make up the Humanistic Studies.

The skills acquired in the master's degree also prepare them for a wide range of professional opportunities in Humanities-related areas, such as:

  • Research projects or research departments in the public or private sector.
  • Management of museums, monuments and other cultural heritage spaces.
  • Publishing houses, book stores, archives and libraries.
  • Curating exhibitions, galleries and cultural centres.
  • Digitization of cultural and artistic materials: catalogues, databases, web management, social networks, apps (Digital Humanities).
  • Consultancy in companies related to the world of culture such as, for example, publishing houses, artificial intelligence and organization of cultural events.

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