Interuniversity Master's Degree in Social Work in Health Care - 2nd edition
- Duration
- 60 ECTS
- Places available
- 56
- Type
- Online
- Timetable
2024-25 timetable (in Spanish).
Livestreamed sessions (except for the External Academic Internships and the Master's Thesis): afternoons from Monday to Thursday. Each of the eight participating universities has seven internship places.
- Course date
From end of September to end of May.
- Mobility
- Quality
- Official record of titles (RUCT)
- Track
- Professional
- Academic coordinator
- Dra. M. Victòria Forns
- Contact
- Faculty
- Faculty of Legal Sciences (URV)
- Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universitat de València (Estudi General)
- Facultad de Educación de la Universitat de Barcelona
- Facultad de Educación y Psicología de la Universitat de Girona
- Facultad de Educación, Psicología y Trabajo Social de la Universitat de Lleida
- Facultad de Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Murcia
- Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la Universitat d'Alacant
- Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universitat de les Illes Balears
- Web
- Master's degree website
Student Office
(+34) 977 77 99 44
Today's society needs professionals specialized in health and social work to provide social diagnoses and opinions that identify strengths and social risk factors and thus promote health, disease prevention and social intervention in individuals and the community in manner that makes them active subjects in their treatment, recovery and rehabilitation.
Aspects such as longer life expectancy, the chronic nature of some diseases, the increase in obesity and diabetes due to sedentary lifestyles, and socially motivated health inequalities have a direct impact on people's health and dependency needs, and it is the figure of the social worker who promotes the inclusion of the social perspective in health care settings and health centres.
The Interuniversity Master's Degree in Health Social Work is an official master's degree that offers specialized and advanced training for holders of degrees and other qualifications in social work that promotes access to health in vulnerable groups and social and health interventions in public health, sexual and reproductive health, and mental health, among others.
Seven Mediterranean universities participate in this master's degree under the coordination of the University of Valencia and with the support of the Spanish University Association of Social Work.
Career opportunities
Graduates in the Official Master's Degree in Social Work in Health can work in:
- Primary care and community health centres.
- Social and health care centres (convalescence, nursing homes, long-stay and palliative care)
- Home care (PADES Support Teams).
- General hospitals and day hospitals.
- Gender violence care centres.
- Mental health.
- Addictions.
- Care services for functional diversity, the elderly and children.
- Third sector work at patient associations or foundations (for those affected by cardiovascular diseases, cancer, rare diseases, dementia, Parkinson's disease, etc.).
- Professional societies
- Research.
External practices
Compulsory internships in health care centres (9 ECTS). Each of the eight participating universities has seven internship places. More details about the organization of the internships.
Participating universities
- Universitat de València (Estudi General) (coordinating university)
- Universitat Rovira i Virgili
- Universitat de Barcelona
- Universitat de Girona
- Universitat de Lleida
- Universitat de les Illes Balears
- Universitat de Múrcia
- Universitat d'Alacant