Documents and regulations
We have structured the documentation in the following sections:
- The creation of the EHEA: initiatives in Europe
- The integration of Spain in the EHEA
- Catalonia in the framework of the EHEA
- Students and the EHEA
The creation of the EHEA: initiatives in Europe
Ministerial meetings
- The TRENDS reports of the European University Association (EUA)
The TRENDS reports are drafted by the European University Association (EUA) for the meetings of ministers responsible for higher education, which are held once every two years. With these reports, the EUA evaluates the changes that have been taking place in the higher education systems of European countries since the implementation of the Bologna process.
Trends V: Universities shaping the European Higher Education Area (2007)
Trends IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna (2005)
Trends III: Progress towards the European Higher Education Area (2003)
Trends I: Trends in Learning Structures in Higher Education (1999)
The Tuning project was one of the first responses to the Bologna Declaration and initially involved more than 100 European universities. It has been developed in several stages (I: 2000-02, II: 2003-04, III: 2005-06) and its main objectives were to create a base for the comparability and transparency of degrees, to facilitate the convergence of different higher education systems, to set up reference points for the comparative analysis of degree structures, to encourage competence-based teaching strategies, and to study models for understanding student work in the educational process, curriculum design, and the improvement and guarantee of quality.
The integration of Spain in the EHEA
• Royal Decree 1393/2007, 29 October, which regulates official university education.
• Royal Decree 900/2007, 6 July, which created the Committee for defining the Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education.
• Royal Decree 1044/2003, 1 August, which established the procedure by which universities could issue the European Diploma Supplement.
• Royal Decree 1125/2003, 5 August, which established the European credit system and the grading system for degrees that are official and valid throughout the national territory.
Catalonia in the framework of the EHEA
Law 1/2003, 19 February, of the Universities of Catalonia (LUC) stipulates that the department competent in matters of universities and the universities themselves must adapt the curriculum so that degrees structured in the European framework of higher education can be implemented in Catalonia.
At present, the Office of the European Area of Knowledge and International Projection of the Universities of Catalonia (OEEC-PI) of the Interuniversity Council of Catalonia (CIC) is entrusted with coordinating all action taken relative to the European Higher Education Area, the European Research Area and the international projection of the Catalan universities.
In this context, the desire to situate higher education and research at the centre of the national debate and the country’s priorities prompted the eight Catalan public universities to draft the White Paper of the Catalan Universities. Strategies and Projects for Universities in Catalonia a document that reflects on general university policy so that they can work jointly on the reform process with some guarantee of success.
See the website of the Catalan Association of Public Universities
Students in the EHEA
The European Student Conventions (EUC) organizes conventions of European students twice a year in the country that holds the presidency of the European Union. These conventions of European students make it possible for students from all over Europe to meet outside the confines of the regulation ESIB meetings.
It has also published three documents, which you can find on its website: Equality Handbook, Bologna With Student Eyes i Lisbon With Student Eyes
See the website of the European Student Conventions