Links of interest
From this site, you can access other websites that may help you to discover what other universities and institutions are doing to converge in the European Higher Education Area.
This information is supplemented with documents about this project.
- The European Higher Education Area and the Spanish universities
- The European Higher Education Area and the administrations
- European University Association (EUA)
- European Association for International Education (EAIE)
- Academic Cooperation Association (ACA)
- The European Higher Education Area in the libraries of the URV
- All about the Bologne process
Generalitat de Catalunya
Ministerio de Ciencia y Innovación
Glossary of the EHEA
Glossary of subjects concerning the European Higher Education Area elaborated by the University of Alacant’s Vice-rectorate of European Harmonization and Quality and the Institute of Educational Science.
You will be able to find the following information:
- Glossary of concepts: concepts related to the philosophy and structure of the EHEA
- Chronology: evolution of the European process reform of Higher Education with details of dates and subject matters
- Abbreviations: compilation and definitions of abbreviations of special significance within the framework of the EHEA
- Bibliography: catalogue of bibliographical references of interest regarding the EHEA