About the Protein Explorer

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Copyright © 2000 by Eric Martz . This version is free for all users, but downloaded copies or derivatives thereof may not be redistributed on CD's, served from publically-accessible websites, or redistributed by other means without permission. Permission is given to link to www.umass.edu/microbio/chime/explorer freely from other websites, provided no fee is charged for access.


Protein Explorer's major support is from the Division of Undergraduate Education of the National Science Foundation (Awards 9653427 and 9980909).

Thanks to Philip Bourne, the Protein Data Bank, and the San Diego Supercomputer Center for support, to Helge Weissig and Kenneth Yoshimoto for interfacing with the PDB website, and John Badger for much useful advice and discussion. Thanks to Joel Sussman and Jaime Prilusky for their enthusiasm and collaborations initiated at the Brookhaven PDB and continuing at the Weizmann Institute of Science.

Portions of the MSA3D javascript were generously contributed by Paul Stothard. PE's script recorder was authored by Tim Driscoll. Thanks to Gale Rhodes, Kurt Giles, Craig Martin, Judith Voet, Frieda Reichsman, Tim Driscoll, Nicholas Keep, and Kim Henrick for helpful suggestions.

Chime would not have been possible without the power and speed achieved by Roger Sayle in RasMol, and his generosity in putting RasMol's source code into the public domain. Thanks to Tim Maffett of MDLI for keeping nearly all of RasMol's power in Chime, for making Chime such a powerful tool, for implementing many requests, and for crucial guidance. Thanks to Bryan van Vliet, Franklin Adler, Jean Holt and the rest of the Chime team at MDLI for Chime 2, and for much helpful advice. Thanks to Jean Holt for implementing my request for "show pdbheader" in Chime 2.6.