Saving the Animation Window
from the NMR Models/Animation page.

It is possible to save the animation window to a local HTML file. You can then bookmark the saved file, and play back the animation window in Netscape without running Protein Explorer. Although Protein Explorer will not run in Internet Explorer, the saved animation HTML file will. (The animation is jumpier in IE, but it works.)

There are some minor limitations to this method. The only controls that will work in the saved animation window are the Animate toggle button, and the Close link. The Scripts link won't display the scripts (though they can be seen with View Source).

Here is the procedure:

  1. It is strongly recommended that you first save the PDB file to your disk. This is especially important if you wish to run the saved animation off-line. (The tutorial has a section How do I download a molecule?) Then run Bare PE, and use the Browse button to load the saved PDB file.

  2. The [Bkg] (background color) button won't work in the saved animation window. Therefore, use the [Bkg] button on the NMR Models/Animation page to establish the desired background before starting the animation that you will save.

  3. The Zoom, Stereo and Center buttons won't work in the saved animation. Therefore be sure to orient and zoom the molecule as desired before pressing the [Animate] button. The orientation and zoom will automatically be established in the animation window (by the automatic insertion of a "view set" command). If you want the animation to have a center of rotation other than the center of the entire molecule, or to be in stereo, you will need to customize the script in the box on the NMR Models/Animation page before starting the animation that you will save. This can be done by inserting these commands immediately before the line "#--End color scheme--":

  4. Press the [Animate] button to create the animation window. In the animation window (after toggling the animation off), open Netscape's File menu and select Save As. Give the file a suitable name ending in ".html".

  5. Close the animation window after saving the html file. This is necessary because if it remains open while you open the saved file in another Netscape window, the animation toggle button may affect the wrong window (crosstalk).

  6. In any Netscape window, use File, Open Page, and then the Browse button, to open your saved animation file.

  7. Bookmark, Add! Later, you can use the bookmark to display the saved animation file.

  8. You will need to press the [Animate] button to start the animation.