
Data source: URV Institutional Information and Analysis System (SÍNIA)


·         1st-year performance rate (bachelor’s degrees): Ratio of ordinary credits passed to ordinary credits registered by students who have entered the 1st year of a degree programme. Expressed as a percentage.

·         Admission grade (bachelor’s degrees): This is the grade that allows a student access to university degree studies.

·         Average age: Average age of students taking the degree.

·         Average duration of studies (in years): This is the average number of years it takes students to graduate.

·         Average number of credits register for each academic year: This is the average number of credits register for per student during an academic year. In four-year degree programmes with a theoretical duration of 240 credits, the standard value is 60 credits per academic year (240 credits from the syllabus / 4-year theoretical duration).

·         Cut-off grade (bachelor’s degrees): The lowest grade awarded to a student for each subject during the June exam session. Grades from previous years are used to guide prospective new students about the grades they are likely to need to obtain in order to enter a particular course of study.

·         Degree of course satisfaction (bachelor’s degrees): Average level of student satisfaction with the subjects in the syllabus. On a scale of 0 to 10.

Source: bachelor’s or master’s subject survey. Question "Rate from 0 to 10 your satisfaction with the way the course has progressed".

·         Degree of course satisfaction (master's degrees): Average level of student satisfaction with the subjects in the syllabus. On a scale of 0 to 10.

Source: master’s subject survey. Question "Rate from 0 to 10 your satisfaction with the way the course has progressed".

·         Demand (master's degrees): Number of applications to access an official master's degree at the URV, determined by the master's degree pre-enrolment process between April and September of each year.

·         Demand in 1st option (bachelor’s degrees): Number of students who apply to pre-register for a bachelor’s degree programme at the URV. It is considered as the Bachelor’s degree programme that the student has applied as their first option, in the different calls for pre-registration that have taken place in the corresponding academic year.

·         Demand/supply ratio (master's degrees): Ratio between the number of pre-registrations (demands) and the number of places (supply) for a master’s degree course in a specific year. This ratio always refers to specific degree courses.

·         Dropout rate in the first year (bachelor’s degrees): Ratio of new students on the degree course to those that did not register again after one year. This includes students who did not meet the attendance level requirements for the first-year.

·         Drop-out rate: Percentage ratio between the total number of students in a cohort of new entrants who should have obtained their degree in the previous academic year and who have not registered for two years.

·         Efficiency rate: Success rate of students in finishing their studies having used only the credits stipulated in the syllabus. It is worked out by dividing the credits in the syllabus (minus validated or recognised credits) by the ordinary credits registered for.

·         Entry route (bachelor’s degrees): Entry mode through which new access students have registered. These routes are currently grouped as follows: University Entrance Exams (PAU or similar); Vocational training / Higher vocational cycles (FP2, MP3 or CFGS           and similar qualifications); Graduates (Graduates and assimilated graduates); Other routes (first studies, second studies, over 25 years old, between 40 and 45 years old, including high-level sportsmen and women, disabled students, transfers from other institutions,       etc.).

·        External internship students: Number of students registered for the subject with External Internship typology. External students are included. These are students who have done internships in companies or institutions within the framework of a university-business internship agreement or students who have had their internships recognised.

·         First-choice new students (bachelor’s degrees): Students who have entered a URV university course for the first time and who stated it as their first preference on their applications.

·         Graduation rate: Proportion of students who finish their degree within the timeframe stipulated in their study plan or one academic year later, in relation to their entry cohort.

·         Newly admitted students (master's degrees): Students who have entered a university master’s course for the first time at the URV.

·         Offer: The number of places that the URV makes available to prospective students for each degree programme. This is the capacity of each course to meet the demand for new students.

·         Origin (master's degrees): Graphical representation of the proportion of students registered for each master’s degree according to nationality. Foreign students with dual nationality (Spanish-foreign) are counted as Spaniards.

·         Percentage of foreign students: Number of students registered who are non-Spanish nationals.

·         Percentage of registered students distributed according to sex: Male/Female.

·         Percentage of students from Tarragona (bachelor’s degrees): Number of students registered whose family residence is in the province of Tarragona.

·         Performance rate: Ratio of ordinary credits passed to ordinary credits registered, expressed as a percentage.

·       Ratio of first-choice/place offered (bachelor’s degrees): Ratio between student first-choice demand and places offered, expressed as in a ratio to 1. It is considered as the Bachelor’s degree programme that the student has applied as their first option, in the different calls for pre-registration that have taken place in the corresponding academic year.

·         Registration by age group (master’s degrees): Registered students grouped according to age.

·         Remainder of students registered (bachelor’s degrees): Total number of students registered excluding new access students. The sum of newly admitted students and the remainder of newly admitted students is the total number of students registered.

·         Remaining newly admitted students (bachelor’s degrees): Students who have entered a URV university course for the first time but who did not applied for it as their first preference.

·         Remaining students (master's degrees): Total number of students registered excluding new students. The sum of new and returning students is the total number of students register.

·         Students on mobility: Number of students enrolled who during the specific academic year have made a stay through a mobility programme at another organisation (university, research centre, company, etc.).