Cátedra DOW/URV de Desarrollo Sostenible - Artículos de investigación
Año 2003
- Adger, W., K. Brown, J. Fairbrass, A. Jordan, J. Paavola, and S. Rosendo (2003), Governance for sustainability: towards a 'thick' analysis of environmental decisionmaking, Environment and planning.A, 35, 1095-1110.
- Cash, D., W. Clark, F. Alcock, N. Dickson, N. Eckley, and D. Guston (2003), Knowledge systems for sustainable development, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 100, 8086-8091.
- Elam, C., C. Padro, G. Sandrock, A. Luzzi, P. Lindblad, and E. Hagen (2003), Realizing the hydrogen future: the International Energy Agency's efforts to advance hydrogen energy technologies, Int J Hydrogen Energy, 28, 601-607.
- Evrendilek, F. and C. Ertekin (2003), Assessing the potential of renewable energy sources in Turkey, Renewable Energy, 28, 2303-2315.
- Fearnside, P. (2003), Conservation policy in Brazilian Amazonia: Understanding the dilemmas, World Dev., 31, 757-779.
- Maxwell, D. and R. van der Vorst (2003), Developing sustainable products and services, J. Clean. Prod., 11, 883-895.
- McMichael, A., C. Butler, and C. Folke (2003), New visions for addressing sustainability, Science, 302, 1919-1920.
- Meyer, N. (2003), European schemes for promoting renewables in liberalised markets, Energy Policy, 31, 665-676.
- Mitsch, W. and S. Jorgensen (2003), Ecological engineering: A field whose time has come, Ecological engineering, 20, 363-377.
- Parmesan, C. and G. Yohe (2003), A globally coherent fingerprint of climate change impacts across natural systems, Nature, 421, 37-42.
- Parris, T. and R. Kates (2003), Characterizing and measuring sustainable development, Annual review of environment and resources, 28, 559-586.
- Piorr, H. (2003), Environmental policy, agri-environmental indicators and landscape indicators, Agriculture, ecosystems environment, 98, 17-33.
- Read, P. and T. Fernandes (2003), Management of environmental impacts of marine aquaculture in Europe, Aquaculture, 226, 139-163.
- Richter, B., R. Mathews, and R. Wigington (2003), Ecologically sustainable water management: Managing river flows for ecological integrity, Ecol. Appl., 13, 206-224.
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