Due to the multidisciplinary activity of EMaS, we can offer a great number of services to industry and/or other research centers/groups:
- Design of electronic, optoelectronic and otpic devices.
- Electronic and optical characteriztion of devices.
- Development of thecnology for micro and nanostructures fabrication.
- Design of new materials: mechanic, electric, magnetic, optic, acoustic.
- Characterization of materials: mechanical, electric, magnetic, optical, spectroscopic, crystallographic and acoustic.
- Structuration of materials: micro and macrometric.
- Development of optic and photonic devices at micro and macrometric scales.
- Prepartion of nanostructured layers of metaalic oxides (nanoparticles, nanowires, nanocolums) by using sol-gel or aerosol or anodization assited CVD techniques.
- Development of gas sensor devices based on nanostrucutred metallic oxides and/or carbon nanowires.
- Development of sensor/pre-concentrator microsystems.
- Characterization (morphologic, compositional, electrical of materials and developed devices.
- Quimiometric techniques for multisensor systems.
- Advanced signal processing to enhace the sensibility and specificity of the multisensor systems.
- Development of applications of gas cesus.
- Aplication of ionic líquids suported in fine chemistry synthesis.
- Catalytic conversion of methanol into light olefins in supercritical conditions.
- Selective conversion of halogeneous organic compounds.
- Development of new catalytic materials to be applied in VOC's sensors.
- Elimination of nitrates / nitrites / ammonium in aqueous phase.
- Epoxidation of gas and liquid state styrene.
- Selective epoxidation of gas-state olefines with air as oxidant agent.
- Selective epoxidation of liquid-state olefines with H2O2 as oxidant agent.
- Catalytic partial hidrogenation and deshidrogenation of poliolefines.
- Hidrogenation of styrene oxide.
- Selective hidrogenation from mono to dinitriles.
- Isomeritzation of terpenes.
- New catalythic materials in fine chemsitry.
- New hydrotalcite-type materials of controled basicity.
- Advanced oxidations processes.
- Synthesis of new catalythic materials from metallic nanoparticles.
- Synthesis of inorganic materials by microwave technology.
- Modelization of environmental flows in lakes, bays and coastlines.
- Numerical simulation of dispersion of marine oil spills.
- Atmospheric dispersion models.
- Optimal localization of industrial chimneys.
- Measurement, modelization and simulation of industrial reactive flows.
- Modelization and simulation of industrial flows.
- Modelization of open channel flows.
- Prediction of electric and thermal fields in printed circuit boards.
- Prediction of the thermal and flow fields in electric and electronic equipment.
- Software Development.
- Data analysis.