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Service Learning Experiences in the Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education

Society, family and education

  • Coordination: Josep Holgado (josep.holgado(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Escoles de la ciutat de Tortosa (Schools in the town of Tortosa).
  • Summary: The Tandem project is a socio-educational project in the town of Tortosa whose main aim is to promote the social, cultural and linguistic integration and personal and educational development of students in the schools of Tortosa who face difficulties during the integration process. The Tandem project brings together the town's different educational and social agents with the aim of building collaborative and comprehensive support for these students. The project is called Tandem because it involves pairs of mentors (students from the URV's Bachelor's Degrees in Infant and Primary Education at the Terres de l'Ebre Campus, from the Vocational Course in Social Integration and from the Ebre Health Institute) who are matched with pairs of students from schools in the town of Tortosa.
  • You can listen to the experience in Tarragona Ràdio
  • More information: http://pedagogia.fcep.urv.cat/tandem/
  • Vídeo:

Learning and personality development (Campus Sescelades)

  • Coordination: Gisela Ferré (gisela.ferre(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Escola Pública de Bonavista (Bonavista Public School).
  • Summary: This bachelor's thesis forms part of the subject Learning and Personality Development, which is studied by first year students from across four different bachelor's degrees at the Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology (Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Social Education and Pedagogy). The aim is to facilitate the classroom integration of 1st and 2nd year primary school students at Bonavista Public School, a group C maximum complexity school. The URV students observe peer interactions amongst the children in the classroom and draw up an integration proposal that takes into account their developmental characteristics. The observation sessions take place in small groups during November and the students' findings are reported to the school in February.

Learning and personality development (Campus Terres de l’Ebre)

  • Coordination: Mª Àngels Piquet Vilanova (angelspiquet(ELIMINAR)@gmail.com)
  • Organisation: Ajuntament de Tortosa - Espai Obert d'Aprenentatge (Tortosa Town Council - Open Learning Space).
  • Summary: This project aims to raise awareness of organisations outside the purely school environment that cater for socially, ethnically and culturally diverse families by providing them with educational activities. The student collaborates in Family Workshops as part of the town council's socio-educational programme, which seeks to address current social issues in the town of Tortosa. These workshops are aimed directly at mothers with the aim of improving their level of autonomy and resources so they can provide the support that their child needs at school. The student accompanies and participates in workshops aimed at mothers with a low/medium level of Catalan, given that for new families one of the most important difficulties in the school environment is communication with the school. The students support the facilitator by participating in the design and planning of the workshops, preparing activities and materials and facilitating some of the activities.

Teaching and Learning Languages I

  • Coordination: Francesca Segarra (francisca.segarra(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Escola Camp Clar, Escola Sant Pere i Sant Pau, Escola Rubió i Ors, Fundació Jaume Bofil (Primary Schools of Camp Clar, Sant Pere i Sant Pau and Rubió i Ors, the Jaume Bofil Foundation).
  • Summary: This APS experience is the practical part of the course and is carried out in collaboration with the LECXIT Programme. The aim is to establish a link between community service and academic training. The LECXIT Programme aims to increase children's educational success by working to improve their reading comprehension. It uses a playful and enjoyable methodology thanks to the collaboration of adults who model and accompany the proposed activities and the involvement of the children's environment.
  • More information: http://www.lectura.cat/

Teaching and Learning of Music, Visual and Artistic Education

2015-16 academic year: Escola Les Eres de Rasquera (Les Eres de Rasquera Primary School)

2016-17 academic year: Escola de Godall (Godall Primary School).

  • Summary: The Les Eres de Rasquera Primary School runs a cooperative that is part of the educational programme "Emprendre en la nostra escola" (Enterprise at our school), aimed at infant and primary school pupils. During the school year, these children set up and manage a cooperative in which they make products that they sell once a year at the village fair. The aim of this subject, therefore, is for pupils to get involved, participate and collaborate in the various project tasks. The students have the opportunity to act as teachers and to interact with other educational agents, so that they acquire both personal and teaching skills and use new working methods in the classroom. The process of joint work between the URV and the schools has enabled a dual approach to be taken to the aim of creating and running a school cooperative and has given a new dimension and potential to this initiative. 
  • You can listen to the experience in Radio Tortosa
  • It's available a project review at the Revista Guix

Teaching and Learning Mathematics I

2015-16 academic year: Escola Les Eres de Rasquera (Les Eres de Rasquera Primary School)

2016-17 academic year: Escola de Godall (Godall Primary School)

  • Summary: The Les Eres de Rasquera Primary School runs a cooperative that is part of the educational programme "Emprendre en la nostra escola" (Enterprise at our school), aimed at infant and primary school pupils. During the school year, these children set up and manage a cooperative in which they make products that they sell once a year at the village fair. The aim of this subject, therefore, is for pupils to get involved, participate and collaborate in the various project tasks. The students have the opportunity to act as teachers and to interact with other educational agents, so that they acquire both personal and teaching skills and use new working methods in the classroom. The process of joint work between the URV and the schools has enabled a dual approach to be taken to the aim of creating and running a school cooperative and has given a new dimension and potential to this initiativel.
  • You can listen to the experience in Radio Tortosa
  • It's available a project review at the Revista Guix

Teaching and Learning Languages II  - Comuni.ca't

  • Coordination: Marta Tena (marta.tena(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Departament d'Ensenyament de les Terres de l'Ebre (Department of Teaching of the Terres de l'Ebre), Centre d'Educació Infantil i Primària l'Assumpció de Deltebre (Assumpció de Deltebre Infant and Primary School), Centre d'Educació Infantil i Primària Remolins (Remolincs Infant and Primary School), Escola Ferreries (Ferreries Primary School), Escola Jaume I (Jaume I Primary School), Escola Sant Àngel de Camarles (Sant Àngel de Camarles Primary School), Soriano Montagut (Primary School).
  • Summary: During the first semester of the 3rd year, students acquire knowledge regarding the teaching and learning of reading comprehension and written expression which they then put into practice in order to help infant and primary school pupils with the acquisition of these two linguistic skills.

Teaching and Learning Physical Education II

  • Coordination: Miriam Segura Meix (miriam.segura(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Col·legi d'Educació Especial Sant Jordi (Sant Jordi Special Education School).
  • Summary: This is an immersive experience between students from the Sant Jordi Special Education School (SES) and students in the 3rd and 4th year on the Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education, speciality in Physical Education, taught at the Terres de l'Ebre Campus of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili. The Sant Jordi SES provides educational opportunities to students aged between 3 and 21 years and with a variety of special educational needs. The Sant Jordi SES is promoting the Inclusive Rugby Project in which all students and teaching staff participate. The project is the result of a collaboration agreement between Tarragona Provincial Council and the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV), whereby students on the Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education prepare training sessions to put into practice with the students at the Sant Jordi SES in Tortosa. The initiative allows the boys and girls at Sant Jordi to work on values such as solidarity, effort and teamwork and, with the collaboration of the university students, to approach diversity through a sport that still has little presence in schools. It allows the university students to get to know and understand diversity and to practice teaching work in an inclusive centre by designing educational proposals in real learning contexts.

External Internships: Cooperation Practicum

  • Coordination: Paloma Vicens (paloma.vicens(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Fundació El Sueño de la Campana (The Dream of the Bell Foundation)
  • Summary: The Cooperation Practicum is the result of a cooperation agreement between the URV's Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology (FCEP) and the El Sueño de la Campana Foundation in San Ramón (Matagalpa, Nicaragua) during the 2004-2005 academic year. The project was approved by the Board of the Faculty and has been running since the 2012-2013 academic year. Its primary objective is to offer external internships to students of this faculty so that they can gain professional experience and increase their understanding of the levels of poverty and marginalisation suffered by people in other countries. The Faculty's involvement focuses on educational, psychological and social aspects, working mainly with the most vulnerable groups; namely, children, young people and women. The students of the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education who join the internships carry out their training tasks in different schools in San Ramón under the supervision of the teaching staff at each of these centres and institutions, the tutors of the FCEP and the psychologist of the El Sueño de la Campana Foundation.
  • You can learn more about the experience by listening to Tarragona Ràdio.

Bachelor's thesis: Cooperation Practicum

  • Coordination: Paloma Vicens (paloma.vicens(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Fundació El Sueño de la Campana (The Dream of the Bell Foundation).
  • Summary: Students who have completed the External Internship since the 2012-2013 academic year within the framework explained above can continue their Bachelor's thesis within the same framework.

 Bachelor's thesis: Children's stories for raising awareness of autism in schools

  • Coordination: Maria Cinta Guadalupe Forcadell (cinta.forcadell(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Associació d'Autisme Terres de l'Ebre (Terres de l'Ebre Autism Association).
  • Summary: The association carries out awareness-raising activities in schools about autistic spectrum disorders. In the 2017-2018 academic year the decision was taken to carry out this work because of the need for specific teaching material relating to this subject. The work therefore focused on the creation of children's stories intended to raise awareness in early ages about the autistic spectrum disorder in contexts of diversity and to promote equality.

Final Project - Work on the relationship between academic performance and high abilities

  • Coordination: Ana Inés Renta Davids (anaines.renta(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Altes Capacitats de Tarragona i Terres de l'Ebre Association - ATHENA.
  • Summary: The aim of the collaboration is to conduct research on the situation of students with high abilities. In particular, the objectives of the research are: to know the relationship between high abilities and academic performance, to identify students with high abilities and low academic performance and to analyze personal, contextual and educational aspects that influence students with high abilities and low performance. To conduct the research, questionnaires will be developed and applied to the detected students, families and teachers and / or professors. This is expected to provide reliable information for designing strategies to support these students.

Knowledge and use of a foreign language II

  • Coordination: Edward Lockhart (edwardalvar.lockhart(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Public libraries of Tarragona.
  • Summary: In this course, students prepare a one-hour storytelling session in English in one of the public libraries of the province in Tarragona. In this way, Tarragona school children have greater contact with the library in their area, the use of English extends beyond the context of the school, and our students' tasks become more real and, therefore, more significant. The stories told during these sessions have a hidden ethical and moral content that transmits important values to the schoolchildren present.

Musical groups

  • Coordination: Margarita Celma Tafalla (margarita.celma(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Centre de Professors i Recursos of the Baix Ebre.
  • Summary:  The "Meeting of School Choirs" brings together many schools in the Terres de l'Ebre region. Degree students can take part in this educational project by designing and preparing learning activities. They will also give support by being present at the event. The existence of a social and cultural necessity of diffusion of the musical tradition has made possible the continuity of the project. The conclusions provided by students are used by the entities to make improvement proposals.

Audition: the stories of music

  • Coordination: Joan Francesc Vidal Arasa
  • Organisation: Kindergarten Mare Natura
  • Summary: Within the framework of the forth subjects of the Mention of Music of Childhood Education Degree and Primary Education Degree, the students will learn how to schedule musical sessions using the proposals of Music Learning Theroy (Gordon: 2007). They will do practices in a kindergarten and they will write a report of the individual progress of every kid for the families. Finally, they will also do self-contained a musical session with families.

Dance: music in movement

  • Coordination: Joan Francesc Vidal Arasa
  • Organisation: Kindergarten Mare Natura
  • Summary: Within the framework of the forth subjects of the Mention of Music of Childhood Education Degree and Primary Education Degree, the students will learn how to schedule musical sessions using the proposals of Music Learning Theroy (Gordon: 2007). They will do practices in a kindergarten and they will write a report of the individual progress of every kid for the families. Finally, they will also do self-contained a musical session with families.

Musical language

  • Coordination: Joan Francesc Vidal Arasa
  • Organisation: Kindergarten Mare Natura
  • Summary: Within the framework of the forth subjects of the Mention of Music of Childhood Education Degree and Primary Education Degree, the students will learn how to schedule musical sessions using the proposals of Music Learning Theroy (Gordon: 2007). They will do practices in a kindergarten and they will write a report of the individual progress of every kid for the families. Finally, they will also do self-contained a musical session with families.

Instrumental practice, creativity and imprivisation

  • Coordination: Joan Francesc Vidal Arasa
  • Organisation: Kindergarten Mare Natura
  • Summary: Within the framework of the forth subjects of the Mention of Music of Childhood Education Degree and Primary Education Degree, the students will learn how to schedule musical sessions using the proposals of Music Learning Theroy (Gordon: 2007). They will do practices in a kindergarten and they will write a report of the individual progress of every kid for the families. Finally, they will also do self-contained a musical session with families.

Bachelor's thesiS: Analysis of leading centres in the field of Children's Rights in collaboration with UNICEF

  • Coordination: Ana lnés Renta Davids (anaines.renta(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: UNICEF and Mas Clariana School.
  • Summary: The aim of this bachelor's thesis, within the framework of the APS Programme, will be to collaborate with a school in the initial self-assessment process so that it can become a UNICEF-certified benchmark centre in Children's Rights. The student will act as a mediating and dynamic agent in the collection of the information required for the presentation of the school's candidacy. For this purpose, the student will use evaluation tools provided by UNICEF, and guides and self-assessment forms that will be complemented through group meetings with different institutional members. Information will be collected from key informant groups: students, teachers, families, the management team, administrative staff and the community. It is hoped that this method of gathering information and drawing up the candidacy will be a participatory process in which the views of all members of the educational community will be integrated, thus providing a global view of the school as it stands. An additional aim is to consolidate proposals for an action plan aimed at improvements.

Final Degree Project: Didactic programme for the revaluation of the jota in Primary Education

  • Coordination: Margarita Celma Tafalla (margarita.celma(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Centre d'Interpretació de la Jota in Terres de l'Ebre (Terres de l'Ebre Centre for the Interpretation of the Jota).
  • Summary: The jota, both in its sung and danced forms, is one of the most representative and identifying elements of traditional and popular culture in the Terres de I'Ebre area. One of the projects that has promoted the recovery, revaluation and dissemination of the jota has been the Terres de I'Ebre Centre for the Interpretation of the Jota in Tortosa. This interpretation centre does not have material adapted for children, although it has held singing, dance and training workshops in schools in the area. The student adapted the interpretation centre's materials for 5th year primary school pupils and designs educational activities. They also created a blog, open to everyone, where they disseminated the work they had carried out. This has made it possible to make educational visits combining practical and theoretical learning with an interactive and playful methodology in schools in Tortosa.

Final Degree Project - Creating children's stories to raise awareness about autism in schools

  • Coordination: Maria Cinta Guadalupe Forcadell Vericat (cinta.forcadell(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat)
  • Organisation: Autisme Terres de l'Ebre Association - ATEATE
  • Summary: The association carries out awareness-raising activities in schools about autism spectrum disorders. It is necessary to have specific didactic material in order to work on this topic.
    Write stories aimed at children and primary education with the aim of raising awareness about autism from an early age.