International Erasmus+ Agreements Management
How to activate a new Erasmus+ agreement
1. Erasmus+ agreement promoted by a member of the academic and research staff of the URV:
- The developer of the agreement previously needs to contact the partner university to negotiate the mobility offer to be included in the agreement.
- Once the negotiation process with the partner university is closed, the developer has to send the Agreement Negotiation Sheet to the I-Center (mou(ELIMINAR) via e-mail, duly filled and digitally signed by both the developer and the centre's mobility coordinator.
- There is NO need to send the Agreement Negotiation Sheet in paper format.
- On the basis of the Agreement Negotiation Sheet, the I-Center drafts the agreement and processes the signature of the Vice-rector for Internationalisation.
- Once it has been signed by the URV, the I-Center processes the signature of the partner university and activates the mobility offer on the URV's database.
2. Proposta de conveni Erasmus+ rebuda a l’I-Center des d’una universitat estrangera:
- The I-Center contacts the corresponding mobility coordinators within the included fields of study to request confirmation.
- In case of a favourable response, the I-Center requests the Agreement Negotiation Sheet to the mobility coordinator, duly filled and digitally signed, so as to draft the agreement and process the signature.
* The Agreement Negotiation Sheet is an application for internal use of the URV that needs to include the following information:
- the name of the developer and/or the mobility coordinator of the URV.
- the contact data of the partner university (in the case of received proposals to the I-Center from foreign universities, the I-Center fills this section)
- the Mobility offer data broken down by students and academic staff mobility.
- requirements for incoming mobility students.
- requirements for outgoing mobility students.