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Information Session about Mobility Procedures (Monday 7th March, 1 pm)

Before the start of the mobility

1.- Acceptance of mobility: Once the resolution has been published, you can accept or reject the mobility place that has been assigned to you (from the date specified in the call calendar). This procedure is carried out through the Mobility Area.

2.- If you accept the assigned place you must fill in the Bank and contact details communication form, attaching the following documentation:

  • Copy of a valid DNI/NIE (pdf. file) - Passport not accepted!
  • Copy of the first page of the current student's bank account that shows: your name as a holder, the current bank account number, the IBAN number and the swift code of the bank branch (pdf file).

3.- Fellowhip holder's credential: Once the corresponding resolution has been published, you will receive the Scholarship Credential by e-mail, certifying that you are a beneficiary of the Erasmus + Traineeship programme.

4.- Mobility Questionnaire: We want to know your opinion regarding how the URV mobility programs work. We will send it by e-mail and you can complete it online (COMPULSORY PROCEDURE)

5.- Learning AgreementBefore leaving, you must agree with your mobility coordinator which subjects you will study at the destination university and which will be your correspondence at the URV. This document contains the subjects you will have to enroll in for mobility. You must send it to the Centre Internacional(ELIMINAR) signed at least by you and the mobility coordinator. Go to Portal de mobilitat and you will find the option: Online Learning Agreement. Once you have sent it though, please send an email to Mobility Out to let us know that you have already done the task, in order to follow-up (COMPULSORY PROCEDURE).

6.- MOU-TE! course:

  • Optional for outgoing mobility students
  • Goal: become aware of the importance of the values of interculturality and multilingualism.
  • Modality virtual (Moodle)
  • Duration: 6 h
  • Teaching period: from 28th June to 12th July, 2022
  • Registration: from 2nd June (from 9h) to 19th June (until 23.59h) through this link: https://afc.urv.cat/pls/slinguistic/urv_web.fitxa_curs_SL?p_codi=C.Z.MOU6&p_ana=2021 (see steps to follow in Moodle).
  • Price: free
  • Recongnition: no ECTS credits.
  • Organized by: I-Center and Servei Lingüístic

7.- Intercultural training (COMPULSORY PROCEDURE) Modality virtual (Moodle). Not open yet.

Admission to the host university: the International Center is responsible for informing the host universities about the  students that have been selected, but some universities request prospective students to do some additional paperwork, or that register in a specific way. Remember that this management is the responsibility of the student, as well as sending documentation that they may require from you.

  • The International Center sends your personal data to the assigned university and it expects from you to register.
  • From now on, it is your responsibility to follow the procedure of the host university and maintain communication.

Mobility insurance: the URV provides all mobility students with insurance that covers the entire period of their stay. It is emailed a few days before the start of the mobility along with instructions. Check insurance coverage (Option B).

Visa and legal procedures: You must know the procedures you must complete in order to stay in the country chosen according to your nationality.

Withdrawal: If you decide not to carry out the mobility, you must send the Application for Mobility Withdrawal, signed by you and the mobility coordinator, to the International Center as soon as possible and always before the scheduled start of mobility. This way, your financial aid can be awarded to a person in the waiting list. Please note that if you do not notify us before the starting date, you will be penalized in the next mobility call.


During the mobility

Within a maximum of 15 days of joining the host university, you must send to the International Center in pdf format by e-mail: mobility.out(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat

Certificat d'estada amb la data d'arribada signat per la universitat de destinació, que servirà perquè es faci el pagament de l'ajut (TRÀMIT OBLIGATORI).

Fitxa de dades de contacte, perquè la URV pugui localitzar-te durant la vostra estada. 

Alta persones físiques, document imprescindible i requerit pel Servei d'Economia de la URV per poder realitzar l'ingrés de la beca (TRÀMIT OBLIGATORI).

Learning Agreement degudament signat per la universitat de destí i els Canvis del Learning Agreement, si s'escau.


Durant la teva estada pot ser que la institució d'acollida organitzi una fira internacional per tal de donar a conèixer les institucions sòcies a on poden enviar els seus estudiants, com ara la URV. En aquest cas, la institució es posaria en contacte amb l'I-Center per a que els enviem els materials de promoció de la URV necessaris per la fira. Moltes vegades ens demanen que els nostres estudiants que estan fent una estada de mobilitat també participin en aquesta fira. L'I-Center es posa en contacte amb aquests estudiants i els envia la informació necessària per a poder ser Ambaixadors/es URV.

Si estàs interessat/da en ser ambaixador/a URV, no dubtis en posar-te en contacte amb nosaltres.


Després de la mobilitat

En un màxim de 15 dies des de la finalització de la vostra estada heu de fer arribar al Centre Internacional:

Certificat d'estada signat i segellat per la universitat de destinació. En aquest document s'especifica la durada real de la teva estada, que serveix per liquidar el pagament de l'ajut (TRÀMIT OBLIGATORI).

Learning Agreement signat per totes les parts, si no l’has entregat abans (TRÀMIT OBLIGATORI).

Qüestionari Sobre la Mobilitat: facilitada pel Centre Internacional. La teva opinió ens ajuda a millorar cada dia (TRÀMIT OBLIGATORI).

La teva universitat de destí, per la seva banda, farà arribar a la URV el Transcript of records, un document on consten les teves qualificacions i que serveix per fer el reconeixement de les assignatures que has cursat durant l’estada.


Models dels documents MOU
