Cátedra DOW/URV de Desarrollo Sostenible - Artículos de investigación
Año 2006
- Alanne, K. and A. Saari (2006), Distributed energy generation and sustainable development, Renewable sustainable energy reviews, 10, 539-558.
- Bakker, K. and G. Bridge (2006), Material worlds? Resource geographies and the 'matter of nature', Prog. Hum. Geogr., 30, 5-27.
- Goldemberg, J. (2006), The promise of clean energy, Energy Policy, 34, 2185-2190.
- Goltsov, V., T. Veziroglu, and L. Goltsova (2006), Hydrogen civilization of the future - A new conception of the IAHE, International journal of hydrogen energy, 31, 153-159.
- Jefferson, M. (2006), Sustainable energy development: performance and prospects, Renewable energy, 31, 571-582.
- Kaya, D. (2006), Renewable energy policies in Turkey, Renewable sustainable energy reviews, 10, 152-163.
- Lehodey, P., J. Alheit, M. Barange, T. Baumgartner, G. Beaugrand, and K. Drinkwater (2006), Climate variability, fish, and fisheries, Journal of Climate, 19, 5009-5030.
- Lewandowski, I. and A. Faaij (2006), Steps towards the development of a certification system for sustainable bio-energy trade, Biomass Bioenergy, 30, 83-104.
- Naidoo, R. and T. Ricketts (2006), Mapping the economic costs and benefits of conservation, PLoS biology, 4, 2153-2164.
- Opdam, P., E. Steingrover, and S. van Rooij (2006), Ecological networks: A spatial concept for multi-actor planning of sustainable landscapes, Landscape and urban planning, 75, 322-332.
- Parmesan, C. (2006), Ecological and evolutionary responses to recent climate change, Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 37, 637-669.
- Reed, M., E. Fraser, and A. Dougill (2006), An adaptive learning process for developing and applying sustainability indicators with local communities, Ecol. Econ., 59, 406-418.
- Robinson, J. (2006), Conservation biology and real-world conservation, Conserv. Biol., 20, 658-669.
- Saarinen, J. (2006), Traditions of sustainability in tourism studies, Ann. Tourism Res., 33, 1121-1140.
- Sachs, J. and W. Reid (2006), Environment - Investments toward sustainable development, Science, 312, 1002-1002.
- Solomon, B. and A. Banerjee (2006), A global survey of hydrogen energy research, development and policy, Energy Policy, 34, 781-792.
- Song, C. (2006), Global challenges and strategies for control, conversion and utilization of CO2 for sustainable development involving energy, catalysis, adsorption and chemical processing, Catalysis today, 115, 2-32.
- Stiegel, G. and M. Ramezan (2006), Hydrogen from coal gasification: An economical pathway to a sustainable energy future, International journal of coal geology, 65, 173-190.
- Szarka, J. (2006), Wind power, policy learning and paradigm change, Energy Policy, 34, 3041-3048.
- Tal, A. (2006), Seeking sustainability: Israel's evolving water management strategy, Science, 313, 1081-1084.
- van Kerkhoff, L. and L. Lebel (2006), Linking knowledge and action for sustainable development, Annual review of environment and resources, 31, 445-477.
- West, P., J. Igoe, and D. Brockington (2006), Parks and peoples: The social impact of protected areas, Annu. Rev. Anthropol., 35, 251-277.
- Yusoff, S. (2006), Renewable energy from palm oil - innovation on effective utilization of waste, J. Clean. Prod., 14, 87-93.
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